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Logan Laughlin llaughlin

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llaughlin /
Last active November 16, 2023 19:39
Kubernetes Commands

Get CPU & Memory Request & Limit for each deployment

k get deploy -o yaml | yq '[.items[].spec.template.spec.containers[] | {.name: (.resources | {"cpu-req":.requests.cpu, "cpu-limit":.limits.cpu, "mem-req":.requests.memory, "mem-limit":.limits.memory})} ]'
k get deploy -o yaml | yq '[.items[].spec.template.spec.containers[] | {.name: (.resources | {"cpu": .requests.cpu + " / " + .limits.cpu, "mem": .requests.memory + " / " + .limits.memory})} ]'
llaughlin / dark-custom.css
Last active August 25, 2023 18:35
JSON Viewer Pro
font-size: 10pt;
color: #86AED6;
color: #D6AED6;
llaughlin / night-owl.omp.custom.json
Created August 25, 2023 15:01
Oh My Posh Themes
"$schema": "",
"blocks": [
"alignment": "left",
"segments": [
"background": "#21c7a8",
"foreground": "#011627",
"leading_diamond": "\u256d\u2500\ue0b6",
"Title": "Dotnet",
"Description": "Common dotnet properties",
"Filters": [],
"Columns": [
"Expression": "Source"
"Expression": "RequestPath"
# Quickly re-create all binding redirects in all projects
Get-Project -All | Add-BindingRedirect | Out-Null
llaughlin / Resharper Formatter
Created August 5, 2021 15:49
Inline resharper formatting rules - alignment - code style - indention
// @formatter:align_first_arg_by_paren false
// @formatter:align_linq_query true
// @formatter:align_multiline_argument true
// @formatter:align_multiline_array_and_object_initializer true
// @formatter:align_multiline_calls_chain true
// @formatter:align_multiline_expression true
// @formatter:align_multiline_extends_list true
// @formatter:align_multiline_for_stmt true
// @formatter:align_multiline_parameter true
// @formatter:align_multiline_switch_expression true
llaughlin / devcontainer.json
Created July 1, 2021 16:07
Dev Container VS Code config
"extensions": [
llaughlin / index.html
Last active June 5, 2020 20:00
<div id="app">
<h1>{{ header }}</h1>
<p>Feel free to edit the HTML, JavaScript and CSS in this playground. The preview will update in real-time, so that
you can visually explore your ideas.</p>
<button @click="sayHi">Say Hi <span class="fa fa-heart" /></button>
llaughlin /
Last active July 27, 2020 19:12
Boxstarter Server 2019

Execution instructions:

$cred = Get-Credential LLaughlinHV\Admin
$boxVm = Enable-BoxstarterVM -VmName LLaughlinHV -Credential $cred

$scriptUrl = ""

$objectBrowserUrl = ""