innsight is a server monitoring platform made by Innatical to help simplify your system administration needs. With log collection, server analytics, and remote actions built into one platform, we make your job easy.
Let's get started by creating an innsight account. You can create an account on our main site.
Now, let's install innsight on your first server! Copy the below command and paste it into your server's terminal.
wget -qO- | sudo bash
During installation, the installer will require root privilages using sudo
, when prompted, please enter your password.
The installer generates a default configuration for you at /etc/innsight-agent/config.hcl
. Specify the files you want to log to the innsight service, as well as our token.
Edit this file in your preferred text editor, such as nano
, and add the log files you want to montior, such as /var/log/syslog
, as well as your token which can be found by using the "Copy Token" button in the innsight dashboard.
After configuration, your config file should look roughly like this:
logs = true
metrics = true
files = [
token = "token"
Save this file when you're done.
To finish installing innsight, we just need to simply enable and start the systemd service. This can be done in a single command:
sudo systemctl enable --now innsight-agent
Now, when you open your innsight dashboard, which might require a refresh, your server should appear in the servers list. That's all!