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giving a cat headpats

lea lleyton

giving a cat headpats
View GitHub Profile

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am lleyton on github.
  • I am lleyton ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAu-J95VSvRgINqmEP3p2dQD2dL3_f7Y6nSEUFaFP9wsQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

lleyton / main.lua
Created August 7, 2020 21:32
local instructions = {
['>'] = '8=D',
['<'] = '8==D',
['+'] = '8===D',
['-'] = '8====D',
['.'] = '8=====D',
[','] = '8======D',
['['] = '8=======D',
[']'] = '8========D'

Making an Octii Theme

Enabling Developer Mode

  1. Go to your account settings
  2. Click the text saying "Enable Developer Mode"
  3. Confirm by clicking save changes! Note: You might need to restart your client in order to enable developer mode


An organization is a group used to manage products, organizations are just Octii communitites on steroids. To enable your community as an organization go to the general settings of the organization and follow the prompt. If you want to enable other members to manage products, we have a specific permission for that, called Manage Products.

"name": "Octii",
"dark": {
"colors": {
"primary": "linear-gradient(224deg, #75C8FF 0%, #007FFF 100%)",
"secondary": "linear-gradient(224deg, #A3A3A3 0%, #636363 100%)",
"success": "#8f8f8f",
"info": "#8f8f8f",
"danger": "linear-gradient(224deg, #FC9D9D 0%, #F86464 100%)",
"warning": "linear-gradient(224deg, #FFD575 0%, #FF7200 100%)",
lleyton / config.hcl
Last active July 18, 2021 02:37
logs = true
metrics = true
files = [
token = ""
lleyton /
Last active July 18, 2021 02:51
innsight Documentation


innsight is a server monitoring platform made by Innatical to help simplify your system administration needs. With log collection, server analytics, and remote actions built into one platform, we make your job easy.

Getting Started

Let's get started by creating an innsight account. You can create an account on our main site.

Now, let's install innsight on your first server! Copy the below command and paste it into your server's terminal.

#Minecraft server properties
lleyton / identifier.txt
Created September 12, 2021 02:41
Identifier Proof
SEA{"m":"I claim this account on identifier. For more info see:","s":"AjuSI4QH0rtaCXTuoiHEsaAAWcBDoSHAzQxH0e3fkp8+65ImBsBqoKKdsOWOyUFE+24fJMFTDrCltQyR9FFy+g=="}
lleyton / identifier.txt
Created September 12, 2021 04:30
Identifier Proof
SEA{"m":"I claim this account on identifier. For more info see:","s":"sZvsJ3+IfcPuvAZO64WVh8BKFfcRWfggApYOrKbr8wJOM9f8worTVgUdj9LCh8M3ia4p/kp4JVKmH6JLpZCDCg=="}
lleyton / index.ts
Created June 21, 2022 00:34
Naïve method of "fixing" a foreground color to contrast with a background color
type RGB8bitColor = [number, number, number];
// Adapted from
// and from
const relativeLuminanceW3C = (color: RGB8bitColor) => {
const RsRGB = color[0] / 255;
const GsRGB = color[1] / 255;
const BsRGB = color[2] / 255;
const R =