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function! Dasung() " Specify a readable color scheme. | |
" Set color scheme, so that mostly things are readable | |
colorscheme delek | |
" Tune the airline color scheme (feel free to take it away). | |
AirlineTheme zenburn | |
" Keep the cursor as HD-FT has touch input | |
set guioptions+=r | |
" I got my copy of ProFontWindows, likely, from here: https://github.com/chrissimpkins/codeface/tree/master/fonts/pro-font-windows | |
" Resolution for the 13-inch Paperlike HD display is 1400 x 1050 | |
set guifont=ProFontWindows:h20 | |
" Note: font on Dasung is calibrated. Need to make the screen max | |
set background=light | |
" denote the current line of the cursor. | |
set cursorline | |
" let g:airline_theme = 'zenburn' | |
hi! link airline_tabfill VertSplit | |
hi CursorLine guibg=lightblue | |
" Highlighting for search pattern | |
hi Search guifg=White guibg=black | |
" Highlighting for Folded code block | |
hi Folded guibg=LightYellow | |
" Colorization for Visual Mode | |
hi Visual guifg=White guibg=Black gui=none | |
" Character under the cursor | |
hi Cursor guifg=Blue guibg=lightred gui=none | |
" Sign column | |
hi SignColumn guibg=White gui=none | |
" Sign Marker column | |
hi SignatureMarkText guifg=White guibg=LightBlue gui=none | |
" ColorColumn (as the 80 char divider) | |
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=lightred guibg=lightred | |
" Matching parameters, and vimtex matching environments. | |
hi MatchParen guibg=NONE guifg=blue gui=bold | |
" Send the Vim session to full screen. | |
" Fullscreen | |
" Undo highlights for TODO | |
hi! link Todo Comment | |
" Cursor, in a light color: avoiding the traces. | |
" highlight iCursor guifg=Black guibg=LightYellow | |
" set guicursor+=i:ver25-iCursor | |
" set guicursor+=i:blinkwait10 | |
endfun | |
@rbozan, the old link from 2017 also works.
Ah sorry, I didn't notice. Thank you.
I was considering to buy an e-ink display, what do you think about it? Do you prefer it over the normal displays?
Per my own usage, I only prefer to use the e-ink monitor for long reading/writing sessions. For writing, I use the customized color scheme in this gist in Vim, and type along for hours. For reading, I use Calibre Viewer to read EPUB/mobi books (this viewer allows for batch-exporting the highlights and notes). I usually pull for such sessions when my eyes "burn" after using those "normal LCD monitors" for a prolonged period of time.
Compared to my "normal monitors", the e-ink monitor is simply too small. In portrait mode, I can fit at most 60 lines with comfortable font-size. In landscape mode, there are 35 lines or so. Since tuning the syntax highlighting can only do as much with the limited gray scale levels, I hardly find myself writing any code on the e-ink monitor. Even with the perfectly tuned colorscheme, my eyes can only tell a very limited amount of gray scales.
Dasung, the company that made the e-ink monitor in the screenshot, is selling a larger 25-inch e-ink monitor. I haven't been able to get my hands on it as it is currently only sold in China.
@rbozan, the old link from 2017 also works.