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Last active August 29, 2018 09:59
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from itertools import chain, repeat
import sys
import types
# byte offsets for structures
if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'):
# under PyDEBUG builds
_f_localsplus_offset = 392
_ob_item_offset = 40
# under normal builds
_f_localsplus_offset = 376
_ob_item_offset = 24
def tuple_setitem(t, ix, value):
"""``setitem`` for tuples.
t : tuple
The tuple to assign into.
ix : int
The index to assign to (without bounds checking).
value : any
The value to store at index ``ix``.
# the maximum allowed offset from the address of the frame's locals
# to the target address measured in pointer counts.
range_ = 2 ** 16
# create python code that emits one branch per value in range of:
# if this_branch():
# _n = None
# where ``this_branch`` is a callable that checks if we should assign to
# the given index. None will be replaced with ``value``.
python_template = (
'def f():\n this_branch = (yield None)\n ' +
'\n '.join(
f'if this_branch():\n _{n} = None' for n in range(range_)
code_template = compile(python_template, '', 'exec').co_consts[0]
# the target address is the id of the tuple + the offset of the first
# element + the index * the size of a pointer
target_address = id(t) + _ob_item_offset + ix * 8
# collection of frames to prevent deallocation
frames = []
while True:
# spray the heap with generators looking for a location where the
# frame's local variables are withing ``range_ * 8`` bytes of the
# target address
code = types.CodeType(
(value,), # make co_consts[0] ``value`` to replace None
generator = types.FunctionType(code, {})()
locals_address = id(generator.gi_frame) + _f_localsplus_offset
offset_bytes = target_address - locals_address
# subtract 1 because 'this_branch' is local variable 0
offset_index = offset_bytes // 8 - 1
if offset_index < range_:
# we found a frame that is close enough to the target address;
# clear the saved frames and continue
# this frame isn't close enough; save it in memory so we don't try
# here again
# make sure we set None to ``value`` and prime the generator
assert next(generator) is value, 'yielded the wrong value'
# the branch selector is a function which returns False ``offset_index``
# times then True, then raises ``StopIteration``.
branch_selector = chain(repeat(False, offset_index), [True]).__next__
# send the selector into the generator; this gets bound as
# ``this_branch``
except StopIteration:
# the branch after ``branch_selector`` returns True will raise a
# ``StopIteration``
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moazin commented Mar 18, 2018

Does this work on Python 3.6.4? I'm trying it on Ubuntu Linux, it is not working. Maybe I am using it in the wrong way.
``>>> from tuple_setitem import *

a = (1, 2, 3, 4)
tuple_setitem(a, 2, 6)
(1, 2, 3, 4)``

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