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Last active August 29, 2020 15:34
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Draft for development instructions for netviel



You need the Python bindings for notmuch. In Debian/Ubuntu, this is provided by the python3-notmuch package.

Fork the two repositories

Fork the netviel backend and frontend:

And clone them to your computer.

Prepare the backend

Build it like so:

cd netviel && python3 build

Prepare the frontend

Install NVM:

wget -qO- | bash

(you can replace bash with your shell of choice.)

Then use NVM to install the latest NPM, and use it in the frontend directory you have cloned:

nvm install --latest-npm

cd netviel-frontend && npm install

Run a test server

Run the backend first:

cd netviel && export FLASK_DEBUG=1 && python3 -m pip install -e . --user && python3 -m netviel

(this avoids the need for admin rights). In a separate terminal, run the frontend:

cd netviel-frontend && npm run start

This will open a browser and fetch data from the local backend. Note that both run on localhost but the backend runs on port 5000 and the frontend on 8001.

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