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lmcneel /
Created January 12, 2024 18:32 — forked from rmtuckerphx/
Steps to install direnv on Windows

direnv on Windows


In JavaScript projects, I used to use dotenv so that I could put local environment variables in a .env file for local development. But dotenv requires you to add code to your project. With direnv, you can put local env vars in a .envrc file and those env vars are loaded automatically in the shell.

Steps to install

For these steps, it is assummed that you have installed Git Bash on Windows. I also use VSCode as my editor.

  1. Create a folder such as c:\tools to put the direnv.exe file and add it to the Windows PATH
lmcneel /
Last active October 27, 2020 16:00
VS Code Exensions
lmcneel / boolean.json
Last active September 25, 2019 22:46
status: 0
lmcneel / character-object-if.js
Created April 22, 2019 15:28
Telling a Story with Code Example 2
if(character.isMoving) {
if(myCharacter.move) {
lmcneel / character-object.js
Last active April 22, 2019 15:27
Telling a Story with Code Example 1
const character = {
name: 'Latisha',
isMoving: true,
const myCharacter = {
name: 'Latisha',
move: true,
lmcneel /
Last active January 31, 2025 20:07
How to remove node_modules after they have been added to a repo

How to remove node_modules

Create a .gitignore file

  1. Check for an existing .gitignore file in the project directory
ls -a
lmcneel / Application.cfc
Created March 4, 2016 17:51 — forked from christierney402/Application.cfc
CF: Using "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header in ColdFusion CFScript #snippet
component {
boolean function onRequestStart( required string targetPage ) {
var headers = getHttpRequestData().headers;
var origin = '';
var PC = getpagecontext().getresponse();
// Find the Origin of the request
if( structKeyExists( headers, 'Origin' ) ) {