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numeric digits 20
/* Get info from storage, most of this section is a straight lift */
/* from IPLINFO! */
CVT = C2d(Storage(10,4)) /* point to CVT */
CVTVERID = Storage(D2x(CVT - 24),16) /* "user" software vers.*/
PRODNAME = Storage(D2x(CVT - 40),7) /* point to mvs version */
CVTRAC = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 992),4)) /* point to RACF CVT */
RCVT = CVTRAC /* use RCVT name */
RCVx = C2D(STORAGE(D2X(CVT+X2D('3E0')),4)) /* ugly mess for bits */
/* REXX */
/* Developed by S. Tresadern */
cvt = c2x(Storage(10,4))
asvt = mvsaddr(cvt 22C 4)
asvtmaxu = x2d(mvsaddr(asvt 204 4))
do i = 0 to asvtmaxu - 1
offset = d2x(x2d(210) + (i * 4))
ascb = mvsaddr(asvt offset 4)
/* Rexx - Print a list of address spaces */
/* Author Doug Nadel [email protected] */
/* This code is not guaranteed in any way. */
Numeric digits 10
Parse Upper Arg specific_names .
Call get_list_of_names
Call sort
/* rexx ***************************************************************/
/* */
/* Purpose : Generate a random password. */
/* Author : Andrew Cameron-Heffer */
/* */
/* The REXX can be passed 2 values. */
/* (1) the number of passwords requested (default = 1) */
/* (2) length of each password (default = 8) */
/* */
/* Or, use PWGEN ? to get brief help. */