A simple workflow to import your data from localhost to your remote Hasura instance. I think this is not the best way but this is how it worked from me after many tries.
hasura init --directory my-project --endpoint http://localhost:8080
cd my-project
hasura migrate create "init" --from-server
hasura migrate apply --version <version> --skip-execution
hasura migrate apply --endpoint http://another-graphql-instance.herokuapp.com
# This creates the dump for two tables
pg_dump --data-only postgres \
-t tasks \
-t users \
--host=localhost \
-U postgres \
--port=5432 > dump.sql
Now enter the file created and remove the line:
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false)
Copy the file to remote server
scp dump.sql root@<address>:~/your-desired-path/dump.sql
cd <your-desired-path>
psql -h localhost -U <user> -d postgres -f dump.sql