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Fix Apollo Query components expecting the data prop to be an empty object
* This transformer adds an empty object assignment to every Query component in the codebase.
* It will only touch the file if it find a Query that has object destructuring assignment.
export default function transformer(file, api) {
const j = api.jscodeshift
return j(file.source)
.find(j.JSXElement, path => === 'Query')
.find(j.ArrowFunctionExpression, path => {
const isObjectPattern =
path.params.length === 1 && path.params[0].type === 'ObjectPattern'
if (isObjectPattern) {
const properties = path.params[0].properties
const dataProp = properties.find(p => === 'data')
if (dataProp) {
const isDestructuring = dataProp.value.type === 'ObjectPattern'
return isDestructuring
} else {
return false
.forEach(path => {
const data = path.value.params[0].properties.find(
p => === 'data'
if (data.value.type === 'ObjectPattern') {
// Store previous props
const previous = Object.assign({}, data.value)
// Add with assignment pattern
data.value.type = 'AssignmentPattern'
// Add the old props to left side
data.value.left = previous
// Replace with empty object initialization
data.value.right = {
type: 'ObjectPattern',
properties: []
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Oh hey! thanks @lnmunhoz :)

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