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Last active October 1, 2020 10:03
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  • Save localdisk/24eb897a3e13e726aa4b12d75b844a81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save localdisk/24eb897a3e13e726aa4b12d75b844a81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
brew tap "homebrew/bundle"
brew tap "homebrew/cask"
brew tap "homebrew/core"
brew tap "sanemat/font"
brew tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
# vsc
brew install "git"
# language
brew install "anyenv"
# terminal
brew cask install "iterm2"
# sh
brew install "zplug"
brew install "pigz"
brew install "peco"
# browsers
brew cask install "google-chrome"
brew cask install "firefox"
# ime
brew cask install "google-japanese-ime"
# editors
brew install "vim"
brew cask install "visual-studio-code"
brew cask install "phpstorm"
# fonts
brew install "ricty"
brew cask install "font-ricty-diminished"
# chat apps
brew cask install "slack"
brew cask install "discord"
# containers
brew cask install "docker"
# dev apps
brew cask install "iconjar"
brew cask install "insomnia"
brew cask install "tableplus"
brew cask install "rambox"
brew cask install "charles"
brew cask install "github"
brew cask install "httpie"
brew cask install "gh"
# utilities
brew cask install "alfred"
brew cask install "skitch"
brew cask install "foxitreader"
brew cask install "zoomus"
brew cask install "alt-tab"
brew cask install "keycastr"
brew cask install "caffeine"
brew cask install "appcleaner"
# hobbies
brew cask install "kindle"
brew cask install "spotify"
brew cask install "vlc"
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