I hereby claim:
- I am loganintech on github.
- I am jewsofhazard (https://keybase.io/jewsofhazard) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBS6pu5xf8FTGI39_G1bUtfO6cWYG5b1eOGXcruYflYBwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
//File parsing. Feel free to read, but totally unrelated to the algorithm | |
//Implementing this trait is what allows us to use the `.into()` function for conversion | |
impl From<File> for ActivitySet { | |
fn from(file: File) -> Self { | |
//Make a buffer to store our activities once they're parsed | |
let mut activities: Vec<Vec<Activity>> = vec![]; | |
//Create a buffered reader, which allows for splitting the file by .lines() | |
let reader = BufReader::new(file); |
use std::env; | |
use std::fs::File; | |
use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, Read}; | |
use std::process::exit; | |
// Type alias for matrix. Matrix is a 2-d array of 32-bit signed ints | |
type Matrix = Vec<Vec<i32>>; | |
//Loop over our matrix and print it from top to bottom, left to right | |
//Take it by reference because we don't want to steal ownership from the caller when printing |
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtensions | |
powercfg -h off | |
cinst git | |
cinst nodejs.install | |
cinst python -version 2.7.13 | |
cinst pip | |
cinst dmd | |
cinst dub | |
cinst DotNet3.5 |
^m:: | |
SoundGet, master_vol | |
master_vol += 5 | |
SoundSet, %master_vol% | |
Return | |
^n:: | |
SoundGet, master_vol | |
master_vol -= 5 | |
SoundSet, %master_vol% |
extern crate image; | |
pub mod zoom { | |
use gif::{Encoder, Repeat, SetParameter}; | |
use gif; | |
use image::{GenericImage, DynamicImage, FilterType}; | |
use std::fs::File; | |
use std::borrow::Cow; |
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtensions | |
cinst -y googlechrome | |
cinst -y steam | |
cinst -y geforce-game-ready-driver | |
cinst -y depressurizer | |
cinst -y steam-cleaner | |
cinst -y uplay | |
cinst -y 1password | |
cinst -y 7zip.install |
#include <sys/syscall.h> | |
#define STRING "Hello, World!\n" | |
.globl main | |
.type main, @function | |
main: | |
jmp call_addr /* jmp to call addr to get the address of STRING */ |
{ | |
"token": "MzU5NDY5ODIxNTc1OTU0NDYy.DKHekQ.6B42mNuYThtD2mO8tb6eAHv6wjw", | |
"autorun": true, | |
"tracebackChannel": "359812958911725570", | |
"macAddresses": { | |
"80:ed:2c:65:3e:12": "Joey", | |
"90:b6:86:52:03:36": "Shane", | |
"ac:37:43:77:57:e2": "Alex", | |
"dc:2b:2a:57:94:90": "Logan" | |
} |
Visual Studio Code is an electron-based text editor written in TypeScript and intended for TypeScript development. It has support for TSLint and ESLint out of the box, and is very heavily geared towards modern development with extensions for every need. Extensions can be anything from special coloring of brackets, themes, or entire languages with debug support (see Java extension from RedHat). It has built-in git tools and a diff editor. Debugging is written to be simple and supports many languages. The C++ debugger is quite good.