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Last active March 7, 2025 14:20
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Save lognaturel/d538a40901aad8e5057bf0aeb8081ea6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Given a series of names, provision App Users for them and build a PDF of configuration QR codes.
from pyodk.client import Client
import base64
import json
import glob
import segno
from typing import Optional
import zlib
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFont, ImageDraw
# Put a series of names in a file named users.csv in this directory to create their App Users on a server as configured below.
# The outputs are one PNG for each newly-provisioned App User and a single PDF with all of the App User pngs in the folder.
PROJECT_NAME = "My Cool Project"
FORMS_TO_ACCESS = ["all-widgets", "afp-knowledge"]
"general": {
"form_update_mode": "match_exactly",
"autosend": "wifi_and_cellular",
"delete_send": True
"admin": {
"admin_pw": "s00p3rs3cr3t",
"change_server": False,
"automatic_update": False,
"change_autosend": False
"project": {
"color": "#ffeb3b",
"icon": "💥"
client = Client().open()
with open('users.csv', newline='') as f:
desired_users = f.readlines()
desired_users = [user.rstrip() for user in desired_users]
current_users = client.get(f"/projects/{PROJECT}/app-users").json()
current_users = [user for user in current_users if user["token"] is not None]
current_display_names = [user['displayName'] for user in current_users]
to_provision = set(desired_users) - set(current_display_names)
for user in to_provision:
print("Provisioning: " + user)
provision_resp ="projects/{PROJECT}/app-users", json={"displayName": user})
except Exception as err:
user_id = provision_resp.json()['id']
for formid in FORMS_TO_ACCESS:
assignment_resp ="projects/{PROJECT}/forms/{formid}/assignments/{APP_USER_ROLE_ID}/{user_id}")
except Exception as err:
# Customize the QR code
url = f"https://{client.auth.session.base_url}key/{provision_resp.json()['token']}/projects/{PROJECT}"
COLLECT_SETTINGS["general"]["server_url"] = url
COLLECT_SETTINGS["project"]["name"] = f"{PROJECT_NAME}: {user}"
COLLECT_SETTINGS["general"]["username"] = user
qr_data = base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(json.dumps(COLLECT_SETTINGS).encode("utf-8")))
code = segno.make(qr_data, micro=False)"settings.png", scale=4)
png ='settings.png')
png = png.convert('RGB')
text_anchor = png.height
png = ImageOps.expand(png, border=(0, 0, 0, 30), fill = (255, 255, 255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(png)
font = ImageFont.truetype("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 24)
draw.text((20, text_anchor - 10), user, font = font, fill = (0, 0, 0))"settings-{user}.png", format = 'PNG')
images = [ for f in glob.glob('./settings-*.png')]
images[0].save("pdf", "PDF", resolution=100, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:])
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Thaliehln commented Mar 7, 2025

Hi @lognaturel,
Thanks for sharing, that's indeed very useful - I think with the latest version of the package (pyODK v1.1.0), the url variable in row 67 should be formatted using client.session.base_url (and not client.auth.session.base_url, which raises an error) and should also remove the "https:" as it is already in base URL

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