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Last active October 3, 2017 19:22
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skyobject Refs API preview
Len(pack Pack) (ln int, err error)
// presence check
HasHash(pack Pack, hash cipher.SHA256) (ok bool, err error)
// short hand for HasHash + pack.Get(hash) + encoder.DeserializeRaw
ValueByHash(pack Pack, hash cipher.SHA256, obj interface{}) (err error)
// the IndexByHash is useful only if the Refs contains only unique
// elements
IndexByHash(pack Pack, hash cipher.SHA256) (i int, err error)
IndicesByHash(pack Pack, hash cipher.SHA256) (is []int, err error)
ValueByHashWithIndex(pack Pack, hash cipher.SHA256, obj interface{}) (i int, err error)
HashByIndex(pack Pack, i int) (hash cipher.SHA256, err error)
ValueByIndex(pack Pack, i int, obj interface{}) (hash cipher.SHA256, err error)
// can set to cipher.SHA256{}, e.g. can make some hash blank
// wihtout removing
SetHashByIndex(pack Pack, i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (err error)
SetValueByIndex(pack Pack, i int, obj interface{}) (err error)
// remove elements reducing length of the Refs
DeleteByIndex(pack Pack, i int) (err error)
DeleteByHash(pack Pack, hash cipher.SHA256) (err error) // delete all
DeleteSliceByIndices(pack Pack, from, to int) (err error)
// get part of the Refs (creates new Refs)
Slice(pack Pack, i, j int) (slice *Refs, err error)
// iterate, allows modificatios by Set* and Delete* methods, but every modification,
// that changes length of the Refs, requires finding current element for next loop,
// for many (batch) modifications take a look at AscendModify, DecsendModify, etc methods
Ascend(pack Pack, ascendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (err error)) (err error)
Descend(pack Pack, descendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (err error)) (err error)
AscendFrom(pack Pack, from int, ascendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (err error)) (err error)
DescendFrom(pack Pack, from int, descendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (err error)) (err error)
// iterate changins/removing elements, this methods are better for batch operations
AscendModify(pack Pack, ascendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (newHash cipher.SHA256, del bool, err error)) (err error)
DescendModify(pack Pack, descendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (newHash cipher.SHA256, del bool, err error)) (err error)
AscendModifyFrom(pack Pack, from int, ascendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (newHash cipher.SHA256, del bool, err error)) (err error)
DescendModifyFrom(pack Pack, from int, descendFunc func(i int, hash cipher.SHA256) (newHash cipher.SHA256, del bool, err error)) (err error)
// append
AppendValues(pack Pack, obj ...interface{}) (err error)
AppendRefs(pack Pack, refs *Refs) (err error)
AppendHashes(pack Pack, hash ...cipher.SHA256) (err error)
// make blank
Clear() (err error)
// service
Rebuild(pack Pack) (err error)
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logrusorgru commented Oct 3, 2017

How about SetHashByHash (or ReplaceByHash) that replaces all elements with given hash with new given hash?

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