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Comparing a sequential and parallel version of 13-Queens in Racket
#lang racket
(provide main)
; Represent a position as a struct with x (file) and y (rank) members
(struct pos (x y) #:prefab)
; Indicate whether q1 is attacking q2
(define (is-attacking? q1 q2)
(let ([q1x (pos-x q1)] [q1y (pos-y q1)] [q2x (pos-x q2)] [q2y (pos-y q2)])
(or (= q1y q2y)
(= (abs (- q1y q2y))
(abs (- q1x q2x))))))
; Indicate whether the stack of positions is valid
(define (valid? stack)
(not (ormap (curry is-attacking? (car stack)) (cdr stack))))
; Return a stack representing the next position, or #f if none exist
(define (next-position n stack)
(cond [ (null? stack) #f ]
[ else (match-define (pos x y) (car stack))
(if (< y n)
(cons (pos x (+ y 1)) (cdr stack))
(next-position n (cdr stack))) ]))
; Accept a board size and partial list of moves, and return
; the next solution if one exists, or #f if not
(define (queens n stack)
(let loop ([stack stack])
(match-define (pos x y) (car stack))
(cond [ (> x n) (cdr stack) ] ; Return solution
[ (valid? stack) (loop (cons (pos (+ x 1) 1) stack)) ] ; Go to next file
[ (< y n) (loop (cons (pos x (+ y 1)) (cdr stack))) ] ; Go to next rank
[ else (let ([next (next-position n (cdr stack))]) ; Backtrack
(if next (loop next) #f)) ])))
(define (prefix-matches? prefix stack)
(let ([plen (length prefix)]
[slen (length stack)])
(and (>= slen plen)
(equal? prefix (take-right stack plen)))))
; Accept a partial list of moves (prefix), and return a list of solutions with the same prefix.
(define (solutions-for-prefix n prefix ch)
(let loop ([solution (queens n prefix)])
(when (and solution (prefix-matches? prefix solution))
(place-channel-put ch solution)
(let ([stack (next-position n solution)])
(when stack ; Also verify stack matches prefix?
(loop (queens n stack))))))))
(define (main)
(define n 13)
(define num-solutions 73712)
(define-values (parent child) (place-channel))
; Create worker places
(for ([i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)])
(define p
(place ch
(define n (place-channel-get ch))
(define queue (place-channel-get ch))
(let loop ([prefix (place-channel-get queue)])
(solutions-for-prefix n prefix queue)
(loop (place-channel-get queue)))))
(place-channel-put p n)
(place-channel-put p child))
(for ([i (in-range 1 (+ n 1) 1)])
(place-channel-put parent (list (pos 1 i))))
(define count 0)
(let loop ([solutions (list (place-channel-get parent))])
(set! count (+ count 1))
(if (< count num-solutions)
(loop (cons (place-channel-get parent) solutions))
(length solutions))))
#lang racket
; Represent a position as a struct with x (file) and y (rank) members
(struct pos (x y) #:transparent)
; Indicate whether q1 is attacking q2
(define (is-attacking? q1 q2)
(let ([q1x (pos-x q1)] [q1y (pos-y q1)] [q2x (pos-x q2)] [q2y (pos-y q2)])
(or (= q1y q2y)
(= (abs (- q1y q2y))
(abs (- q1x q2x))))))
; Indicate whether the stack of positions is valid
(define (valid? stack)
(not (ormap (curry is-attacking? (car stack)) (cdr stack))))
; Return a stack representing the next position, or #f if none exist
(define (next-position n stack)
(cond [ (null? stack) #f ]
[ else (match-define (pos x y) (car stack))
(if (< y n)
(cons (pos x (+ y 1)) (cdr stack))
(next-position n (cdr stack))) ]))
; Accept a board size and partial list of moves, and return the next solution
(define (queens n stack)
(let loop ([stack stack])
(match-define (pos x y) (car stack))
(cond [ (> x n) (cdr stack) ] ; Return solution
[ (valid? stack) (loop (cons (pos (+ x 1) 1) stack)) ] ; Go to next file
[ (< y n) (loop (cons (pos x (+ y 1)) (cdr stack))) ] ; Go to next rank
[ else (let ([next (next-position n (cdr stack))]) ; Backtrack
(if next (loop next) #f)) ])))
; Return a list of all solutions for the specified board size
(define (main n)
(let loop ([stack (list (pos 1 1))]
[solutions '()])
(if stack
(let ([solution (queens n stack)])
(if solution
(loop (next-position n solution) (cons solution solutions))
(length (main 13))
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