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[Rust][Relm 4]Simple user greet example

Relm 4 - Greet user example

Rust + GTK4 + Relm

This is a simple example of Relm 4 application where:

  • the user can enter its name in a text field
  • update the greet message with a button
name = "greet-user"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
gtk = {version = "0.3", package = "gtk4"}
relm4 = "0.2"
relm4-macros = "0.2"
relm4-components = "0.2"
use gtk::prelude::{BoxExt, ButtonExt, GtkWindowExt, OrientableExt, EntryExt, EditableExt};
use relm4::{send, AppUpdate, Model, RelmApp, Sender, WidgetPlus, Widgets};
struct AppModel {
name: String,
value: String,
enum AppMsg {
impl Model for AppModel {
type Msg = AppMsg;
type Widgets = AppWidgets;
type Components = ();
impl AppUpdate for AppModel {
fn update(&mut self, msg: AppMsg, _components: &(), _sender: Sender<AppMsg>) -> bool {
match msg {
AppMsg::Greet => {
let substitute = if > 0 {} else {String::from("")};
self.value = format!("Hello {} !", substitute);
AppMsg::SetName(new_name) => { = new_name;
impl Widgets<AppModel, ()> for AppWidgets {
view! {
gtk::ApplicationWindow {
set_title: Some("Greet user"),
set_default_width: 300,
set_default_height: 200,
set_child = Some(&gtk::Box) {
set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Vertical,
set_margin_all: 5,
set_spacing: 5,
append = &gtk::Box {
set_spacing: 10,
set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Horizontal,
append: name_entry = &gtk::Entry {
set_placeholder_text: Some("Your name"),
connect_changed(sender) => move |name_entry| {
send!(sender, AppMsg::SetName(format!("{}", name_entry.text())));
append = &gtk::Button {
set_label: "Let CPU greet",
connect_clicked(sender) => move |_| {
send!(sender, AppMsg::Greet);
append = &gtk::Label {
set_margin_all: 5,
set_label: watch! { model.value.as_str() },
fn main() {
let model = AppModel::default();
let app = RelmApp::new(model);;
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