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Created February 26, 2024 00:58
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Hugo-PaperMod optimised search using fusejs in fastsearch.js
// add this snippet to your version of the fastsearch.js
// I copied the Hugo-PaperMod's fastsearch.js to my local assets/js/
// then added the following code to trigger search after a 600ms delay
// I also listen to the input event
function debounce(fn, delay = 600){
let timeoutId;
// fn could be invoked with more than one argument
return function(...arg){
if (timeoutId) {
// execute fn after the timer expires (time in milliseconds)
timeoutId = setTimeout(function(){
// use apply to invoke function with more than one arguments
// null is the object
fn.apply(null, arg);
}, delay);
/* This is the search trigger */
function startSearch(e) {
try {
// run a search query (for "term") every time a letter is typed
// in the search box
if (fuse) {
// the actual query being run using fuse.js
const results =;
if (results.length !== 0) {
// build our html if result exists
let resultSet = ''; // our results bucket
for (let item in results) {
resultSet += `<li class="post-entry"><header class="entry-header">${results[item].item.title}&nbsp;»</header>` +
`<a href="${results[item].item.permalink}" aria-label="${results[item].item.title}"></a></li>`
resList.innerHTML = resultSet;
resultsAvailable = true;
first = resList.firstChild;
last = resList.lastChild;
} else {
resultsAvailable = false;
resList.innerHTML = '';
} catch(er){
console.error("Search encountered an error!", er);
//execute search as each character is typed
sInput.addEventListener("input", debounce(startSearch, e));
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