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Created September 4, 2014 00:01
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retrospective mcmc crp
var rDPmem = $b({
name: 'rDPmem',
desc: 'Retrospective implementation of DPmem',
params: [{name: 'alpha', type: 'positive real', desc: 'Concentration parameter'},
{name: 'f', type: 'function', desc: 'Function to stochastically memoize'}],
fn: function(alpha, f) {
var allStickSets = {};
var cumulativeStickSums = {};
var caches = {};
return function() {
var args = args_to_array(arguments);
var extractingTables = false
if (args[0] == 'get-tables') {
extractingTables = true;
var argsHash = JSON.stringify(args);
if (!allStickSets[argsHash]) {
allStickSets[argsHash] = [];
caches[argsHash] = {}
cumulativeStickSums[argsHash] = 0;
var sticks = allStickSets[argsHash];
var cache = caches[argsHash];
var stickSumSoFar = cumulativeStickSums[argsHash];
if (extractingTables) {
var ret = [];
for(var i = 0; i < sticks.length; i++) {
var key = i + "";
if (cache[key]) {
var table = cache[key];
return arrayToList(ret);
// sample a probability for this customer
var customerLength = wrapped_uniform(0,1);
// create new sticks until we have enough to exceed customerLength
while (customerLength > stickSumSoFar) {
var next = {
beta: wrapped_beta(1.0, alpha)
if (sticks.length == 0) {
next.length = next.beta;
next.endpoint = next.beta
} else {
var prev = sticks[sticks.length - 1];
next.length = prev.length * (1-prev.beta)/prev.beta * next.beta;
next.endpoint = prev.endpoint + next.length;
stickSumSoFar += next.length;
cumulativeStickSums[argsHash] = stickSumSoFar;
var customerStick;
for(var i = 0, ii = sticks.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (customerLength < sticks[i].endpoint) {
customerStick = i + "";
if (cache[customerStick] === undefined) {
cache[customerStick] = {label: f.apply(null, arguments),
count: 1};
} else {
return cache[customerStick].label;
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