This script lists the rounds in output registration phase that seems to be ready for signing.
The math for accurate detection is not here, instead we use a difference less than 3% (because this is a PoC).
$ dotnet fsi ready.fsx
87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326
87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326
87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326
87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326
Note: The script uses the WasabiWallet.dll so, make sure to compile it and specify the right path to it.