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Created July 28, 2023 13:34
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This script lists the rounds in output registration phase that seems to be ready for signing.

The math for accurate detection is not here, instead we use a difference less than 3% (because this is a PoC).

    $ dotnet fsi ready.fsx
    87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326
    87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326
    87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326
    87cc3a2a909f5efc0ebce1c6ef4e26d0992c5cc62dc7865fff66936c6e006f7e can be signed because diff is 75.45730076 - 75.45593750 = 0.00136326

Note: The script uses the WasabiWallet.dll so, make sure to compile it and specify the right path to it.

#r "WalletWasabi.dll"
#r "Newtonsoft.Json"
#r "NBitcoin"
open System
open System.Net.Http
open System.Threading
open WalletWasabi
open WalletWasabi.WabiSabi.Client
open WalletWasabi.WebClients.Wasabi
open WalletWasabi.WabiSabi.Models
open WalletWasabi.Tor.Http
open WalletWasabi.WabiSabi.Backend.Rounds
open NBitcoin
let httpClient = new HttpClient()
httpClient.BaseAddress <- Uri ""
let clearNetHttpClient = ClearnetHttpClient(httpClient)
let wabisabiClient = WabiSabiHttpApiClient clearNetHttpClient
let rec queryRounds () = async {
let! status =
wabisabiClient.GetStatusAsync(RoundStateRequest.Empty, CancellationToken.None)
|> Async.AwaitTask
|> Array.filter (fun x -> x.Phase = Phase.OutputRegistration)
|> (
fun r ->
let inputsSum = r.CoinjoinState.Inputs |> Seq.sumBy (fun x -> x.Amount)
let outputsSum = r.CoinjoinState.Outputs |> Seq.sumBy (fun x -> x.Value)
r, inputsSum, outputsSum )
|> Array.filter (fun (_, is, os) -> is - os < Money.Satoshis(decimal is.Satoshi * 0.03m))
|> Array.iter (
fun (r, is, os) ->
Console.WriteLine $"{r.Id} can be signed because diff is {is} - {os} = {is - os}")
do! Async.Sleep (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1)
do! queryRounds()
queryRounds ()
|> Async.RunSynchronously
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