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Last active October 29, 2024 12:49
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Convert Kindle or O'Reilly annotations to JSON or Markdown format. #python #file #manager #kindle #oreilly #annotation
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Convert Kindle or O'Reilly annotations to JSON or Markdown format.
Usage: -i <input> -o <output> [-s <source>] [-f <format>]
Example: -i My\\ Clippings.txt -o annotations.json -f json -i My\\ Clippings.txt -o -i Annotations.csv -o annotations.json -s oreilly -f json
Export your Kindle highlights to a file named My Clippings.txt.
Mount your Kindle as a USB drive and copy the file from the documents folder.
Export your O'Reilly annotations to a file named Annotations.csv.
In O'Reilly: My O'Reilly > Highlights > Export all highlights
Annotations sorting:
- Annotations order are based on location (Kindle, most precise) or
on chapter number (O'Reilly, less precise).
- As O'Reilly does not provide the exact location inside the chapter,
the order might be broken at this level.
- I try to minimize it by sorting by date but as some annotations
might have the same date inside the chapter, it loses precision.
Author.: Joe Lopes <>
License: MIT
Date...: 2024-07-25
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from re import compile
from json import dumps
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Convert Kindle/O\'Reilly annotations to JSON or Markdown format.')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', required=True,
help='Path to My Clippings.txt or Annotations.csv file.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True,
help='Path to the output file.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', default='markdown', choices=['markdown','json'],
help='Output format: json or markdown. Default is markdown.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', default='kindle', choices=['kindle','oreilly'],
help='Input format: kindle or oreilly. Default is kindle.')
args = parser.parse_args()
def kindle(raw):
delimiter = '==========\n'
re_title = compile(r'^(.*?)\(')
re_author = compile(r'\((.*?)\)')
re_type = compile(r'Your (Highlight|Note|Bookmark) on page')
re_page = compile(r'on page (\d+) \|')
re_location = compile(r'\| Location (\d+(-\d+)?) \|')
re_date = compile(r'\| Added on (.*)')
re_index = compile(r'\| Location (\d+)(-\d+)? \|')
date_format = '%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p'
annotations = raw.split(delimiter)
catalog = dict()
for ann in annotations:
if ann:
p = kindle_parser(ann, re_title, re_author, re_type,
re_page, re_location, re_index, re_date, date_format
if p['title'] not in catalog:
catalog[p['title']] = dict()
catalog[p['title']]['author'] = p['author']
catalog[p['title']]['highlights'] = list()
'type': p['type'],
'location': p['location'],
'index': p['index'],
'date': p['date'],
'highlight': p['highlight'],
'note': p['note']
return catalog
def kindle_parser(ann, retit, reaut, retyp, repag, reloc, reind, redat, datefmt):
lines = ann.split('\n')
title =[0]).group(1)
author =[0]).group(1)
type =[1]).group(1)
page =[1]).group(1)
location =[1]).group(1)
index = int([1]).group(1))
date = datetime.strptime([1]).group(1), datefmt).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if type == 'Note':
highlight = '-'
note = lines[3]
highlight = lines[3]
note = '-'
return {
'title': title,
'author': author,
'type': type,
'index': index,
'location': f'Page {page} (loc. {location})',
'date': date,
'highlight': highlight,
'note': note
def oreilly(raw):
re_index = compile(r'^((Chapter )?(?P<index>\d+))')
re_location = compile(r'^https://.*#(?P<location>[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)$')
annotations = csv_reader(str_io(raw), delimiter=',')
catalog = dict()
for ann in annotations:
parsed = oreilly_parser(ann, re_index, re_location)
if parsed['title'] not in catalog:
catalog[parsed['title']] = dict()
catalog[parsed['title']]['author'] = parsed['author']
catalog[parsed['title']]['highlights'] = list()
'index': parsed['index'],
'type': parsed['type'],
'location': parsed['location'],
'date': parsed['date'],
'highlight': parsed['highlight'],
'note': parsed['note']
return catalog
def oreilly_parser(ann, reind, reloc):
if ann['Personal Note']:
type = 'Note'
note = ann['Personal Note']
type = 'Highlight'
note = '-'
index = int(['Chapter Title']).group('index'))
except AttributeError:
index = 0
return {
'title': ann['Book Title'],
'author': '-',
'type': type,
'index': index,
'location': f'Chapter {index} ({["Annotation URL"]).group("location")})',
'date': ann['Date of Highlight'],
'highlight': ann['Highlight'],
'note': note
def to_json(c):
return dumps(c)
def to_markdown(c):
md = ''
for book in c:
md += f'# {book}\nAuthor: {c[book]["author"]}\n\n' + f'Notes exported by ' + \
for ann in c[book]['highlights']:
md += f'\n## {ann["location"]}\n'
md += f'>{ann["date"]}: Location: {ann["location"]}: *{ann["highlight"]}*\n\n'
md += f'{ann["note"]}\n'
md += '---\n\n\n'
return md
with open(args.input, 'r') as f:
raw =
if args.source == 'kindle':
from datetime import datetime
catalog = kindle(raw)
from csv import DictReader as csv_reader
from io import StringIO as str_io
catalog = oreilly(raw)
for book in catalog:
catalog[book]['highlights'] = sorted(catalog[book]['highlights'], key=lambda x: x['date'])
catalog[book]['highlights'] = sorted(catalog[book]['highlights'], key=lambda x: x['index'])
for annotation in catalog[book]['highlights']:
del annotation['index']
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
if args.format == 'markdown':
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