Android Studio exposes developers to -nodpi
and -anydpi
in various places. For example, if you use the New Resource Directory wizard thing, and you choose to add a density qualifier to the directory, you will see "No Density" (-nodpi
) and "Any Density" (-anydpi
) options.
Some of you might expect these to be well-documented.
In a word, no.
However, courtesy of a fair amount of experimentation (largely done as part of work on this Stack Overflow question and this answer), their use becomes at least a bit clearer. Many thanks to Stack Overflow user rds for the help!
A drawable in res/drawable-nodpi/
is valid for any screen density. However, if there is another drawable with the same base name in a density-specific directory, and the device running your app happens to have that screen density, the density-specific resource will be used. As a result, -nodpi
becomes a fallback, to be used in cases where you do not have something specific for a density.
For example, suppose that we have res/drawable-nodpi/foo.xml
and res/drawable-xxhdpi/foo.png
. An -xxhdpi
device would use the PNG; all other devices would use the XML.
A drawable in res/drawable-anydpi/
also is valid for any screen density. However, in this case, the -anydpi
variant trumps any density-specific variant.
For example, suppose that we have res/drawable-anydpi/foo.xml
and res/drawable-xxhdpi/foo.png
. All devices would use the XML, even -xxhdpi
For this reason, often you will see -anydpi
used in conjunction with other qualifiers. A popular one will be -v21
, to restrict the resources to be used on API Level 21+ devices. It so happens that one particular type of XML-defined drawable — the vector drawable — was introduced in API Level 21.
For example, suppose that we have res/drawable-anydpi-v21/foo.xml and res/drawable-xxhdpi/foo.png. In this case, all Android 5.0+ devices would go with the XML. All -xxhdpi devices running Android 4.4 or older would go with the PNG. And all other devices running Android 4.4 or older would also go with that same PNG, albeit with some rescaling to adjust the effective density.
In particular, vector drawables cannot go in a -nodpi
directory if your minSdkVersion
is below 21. While Android Studio generates PNGs from your vector drawables for use on older devices, it seems to skip those in -nodpi
directories, for unclear reasons.
is a synonym for res/drawable-mdpi/
, for backwards compatibility with really old Android apps, written before we had density-specific resources. Hence, IMHO, res/drawable/
is not really an appropriate choice for density-independent drawables.
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Thank you for your effort! This most excellent!