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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Basic middleman configs
require 'slim'
# Helpers
# Automatic image dimensions on image_tag helper
# activate :automatic_image_sizes
# Any arbitrary values. You can directly call these in your template
set :site_url, ''
set :site_human_url, ''
set :site_name, 'Summon'
# What goes in call to action on index page
set :site_description, 'DESC'
# What goes in the title tag
set :site_title, "Title"
# Optional
set :site_logo, 'logo-big.png'
set :site_image, ''
set :site_twitter_handle, '@me'
# Reload the browser automatically whenever files change
configure :development do
activate :livereload
activate :directory_indexes
# Methods defined in the helpers block are available in templates
# helpers do
# def some_helper
# "Helping"
# end
# end
# Add bower's directory to sprockets asset path
after_configuration do
@bower_config = JSON.parse("#{root}/.bowerrc"))
sprockets.append_path File.join "#{root}", @bower_config["directory"]
set :css_dir, 'stylesheets'
set :js_dir, 'javascripts'
set :images_dir, 'images'
# Build-specific configuration
configure :build do
# For example, change the Compass output style for deployment
activate :minify_css
activate :minify_javascript
activate :asset_hash
# Use relative URLs
# activate :relative_assets
doctype 5
html itemscope='' itemtype=""
meta charset="utf-8"
meta content="IE=edge,chrome=1" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
meta name="description" content=page_description
meta name="robots" content="index,follow"
// Twitter
meta name="twitter:card" content=page_twitter_card_type
meta name="twitter:site" content=site_twitter_handle
meta name="twitter:title" content=page_title
meta name="twitter:description" content=page_description
meta name="twitter:creator" content=site_twitter_handle
meta name="twitter:image:src" content=site_image
// Open Graph General (Facebook & Pinterest)
meta property="og:url" content=page_url
meta property="og:title" content=page_title
meta property="og:description" content=page_description
meta property="og:site_name" content=site_name
meta property="og:image" content=site_image
meta property="og:app_id" content="952268334783316"
meta property="og:type" content="website"
// Google Plus
meta itemprop="name" content=page_title
meta itemprop="description" content=page_description
meta itemprop="image" content=site_image
// Mobile Specific Metas
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"
link href=',700,300italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'
= stylesheet_link_tag "app"
= javascript_include_tag "app"
= favicon_tag "images/favicon.ico"
= favicon_tag "images/favicon.ico", rel: "apple-touch-icon", type: 'image/png'
body class=page_classes
= yield
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