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Last active October 7, 2019 03:50
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  • Save lordlinus/858adf11803edbf9bd04e82471748172 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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dir "c:\aws\download"
Write-Host 'Conda packages Install'
# Ensure anaconda is installed
Start-Process -FilePath 'conda' -ArgumentList 'install anaconda -y' -wait
# Install packages
Start-Process -FilePath 'conda' -ArgumentList 'install -c pytorch pytorch -y' -wait
Start-Process -FilePath 'conda' -ArgumentList 'install -c fastai fastai -y' -wait
Start-Process -FilePath 'conda' -ArgumentList 'install -c allennlp allennlp -y' -wait
Start-Process -FilePath 'conda' -ArgumentList 'install -c h2oai h2o -y' -wait
Set-Location "c:\aws\download"
# Write packages to file
$CondaPackageListAnaconda = "tensorflow `n cudatoolkit `n cudnn `n h2o-py `n py-xgboost"
(Get-Content $CondaPackageListAnaconda | Out-String) -replace "`n", "`r`n" | Set-Content "anaconda_package_list.txt"
Start-Process -FilePath 'conda' -ArgumentList 'install -c anaconda --yes --file c:\aws\download\anaconda_package_list.txt' -wait
$CondaPackageListCondaForge = "libxgboost `n gensim `n git `n graphviz `n joblib `n libgdal `n libprotobuf `n orange3 `n pyqtgraph `n regex `n plotly `n opencv `n fbprophet `n spacy `n xgboost `n lightgbm `n dash `n dash-daq `n keras"
(Get-Content $CondaPackageListCondaForge | Out-String) -replace "`n", "`r`n" | Set-Content "conda_forge_package_list.txt"
Start-Process -FilePath 'conda' -ArgumentList 'install -c anaconda --yes --file c:\aws\download\conda_forge_package_list.txt' -wait
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