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example catches
# Be sure to set the following variables for all hosts:
# vars:
# oldsshport: 22
# sshport: 555
# Might fail without setting remote_tmp = /tmp/ansible/$USER in your ansible.cfg. Also fix for directly below.
# Once host is setup most of the checks are skipped and works very quickly.
# Also, be sure to set non-standard shells in a different playbook later. Stick with /bin/bash until you can run apt install.
# Assumes root user has sshkey setup already. Not sure how to utilize the --ask-pass option. For now, use ssh-copy-id prior to running playbook on new host for root user (if needed).
# Test new ssh port
- name: ssh test nc {{ sshport }}
local_action: shell nc -z -w5 {{ inventory_hostname }} {{ sshport }}
register: nc_ssh_port
failed_when: nc_ssh_port.stdout.find('failed') != -1
changed_when: nc_ssh_port.stdout == ""
ignore_errors: yes
# Set port to new port if connection success
- name: set ansible_ssh_port
set_fact: ansible_ssh_port={{ sshport }}
when: nc_ssh_port|success
# Fail back to old port if new ssh port fails
- name: ssh test nc port {{ oldsshport }}
local_action: shell nc -z -w5 {{ inventory_hostname }} {{ oldsshport }}
register: nc_ssh_default
changed_when: nc_ssh_default.stdout == ""
ignore_errors: yes
when: nc_ssh_port|changed
# Set ansible to old port since new failed
- name: set ansible_ssh_port to {{ oldsshport }}
set_fact: ansible_ssh_port={{ oldsshport }}
when: nc_ssh_default|success and nc_ssh_port|changed
# Check if root user can ssh
- name: find user
local_action: shell ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 -p {{ ansible_ssh_port }} root@{{ inventory_hostname }} exit
register: ssh_as_root
failed_when: ssh_as_root.stdout.find('failed') != -1
changed_when: ssh_as_root.stderr.find('Permission denied') == -1
# If root user success, set this up to change later
- name: first user
set_fact: first_user={{ ansible_ssh_user }}
when: ssh_as_root|changed
# Set ssh user to root
- name: root user
set_fact: ansible_ssh_user=root
when: ssh_as_root|changed
# ANSIBLE FIX: /tmp/ansible isn't world-writable for setting remote_tmp = /tmp/ansible/$USER in ansible.cfg
- name: /tmp/ansible/ directory exists with 0777 permission
file: path=/tmp/ansible/ owner=root group=root mode=0777 recurse=no state=directory
changed_when: False
sudo: yes
# Setup user accounts
- include: users.yml
# Set ssh user back to default user (that was setup in users.yml)
- name: ansible_ssh_user back to default
set_fact: ansible_ssh_user={{ first_user }}
when: ssh_as_root|changed
# Reconfigure ssh with new port (also disables non-ssh key logins and disable root logins)
- name: sshd.conf
template: src=sshd_config.j2 dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config owner=root group=root mode=0644
register: sshd_config
sudo: yes
# Force changes immediately to ssh
- name: restart ssh
service: name=ssh state=restarted
when: sshd_config|changed
sudo: yes
# Use updated ssh port
- name: set ansible_ssh_port
set_fact: ansible_ssh_port={{ sshport }}
when: nc_ssh_port|changed
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