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Created November 14, 2012 15:41
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Add a variable to a data frame giving a mean of a set of quiz grades, dropping n grades
## Note: we're assuming each grade should be weighted equally here.
dropmean <- function(x, drop=2) {
count <- length(x)-drop
round(sum(sort(x, decreasing=TRUE)[seq(1, count)], na.rm=T)/count, 2)
## Same formula for multiple sections; note list.files uses a regex pattern, not a glob pattern
infiles <- list.files(pattern='^gradebook-quizzes-[0-9]+\\.csv$')
for(filename in infiles) {
dat <- read.csv(filename)
newdat <- dat[,1:3]
quizzes <- dat[,grep('^Quiz...Chapter.([0-9]|1[012])$', colnames(dat))]
## Quiz grades are out of 10, so I multiplied here by 10 to make it a percentage.
newdat$DroppedAverage <- dat$DroppedAverage <- apply(quizzes, 1, dropmean)*10
write.csv(newdat, paste("fixed", filename, sep='-'), row.names=FALSE)
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