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Created July 25, 2019 16:57
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Bitmask testing routine for Python 3.6+
# Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Lawrence
# You may freely modify, copy, and reuse this software under the terms of the MIT License.
def test_bitmask(value: int, mask: str) -> bool:
mask = mask.replace("_", "")
testval: int = 1
for bit in reversed(mask):
if bit == '1' and not (value & testval):
return False
elif bit == '0' and (value & testval):
return False
elif bit != "x":
raise ValueError('Invalid bitmask character: '+bit)
testval <<= 1
return True
assert( test_bitmask(0x80, '1xxx_xxxx') == True )
assert( test_bitmask(0x3f, '0xx1_xxxx') == True )
assert( test_bitmask(0x3f, '0xx1_xxx0') == False )
assert( test_bitmask(0xff, '0xx1_xxx0') == True ) # Should fail
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