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Created February 28, 2019 17:20
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Save lordsutch/9882b84543bfbf8b7e8033c029451366 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to encode the Anthem digital soundtrack to AAC for iTunes etc. Can be readily adapted to other WAV albums.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Get 'fdkaac' from (or Homebrew etc.)
import glob
import subprocess
import sys
import os
def convert_file(filename, trackcount):
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
outfile = f'{base}.m4a'
track, title = base.split('-', 1)
print(f'Converting track {track} ({title})', file=sys.stderr)['fdkaac', '-o', outfile,
'-m', '5', '--moov-before-mdat',
'--artist', 'Sarah Schachner',
'--album-artist', 'Sarah Schachner',
'--album', 'Anthem (Original Soundtrack)',
'--title', title,
'--genre', 'Soundtracks',
'--date', '2019',
'--composer', 'Sarah Schachner',
'--track', f'{track}/{trackcount}',
'--disk', '1/1',
filename])['mp4art', '--add', 'Anthem-AlbumArt-1000x1000.jpg', '-z',
files = tuple(glob.glob('*.wav'))
trackcount = len(files)
for filename in files:
convert_file(filename, trackcount)
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