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Shiffman Youtube Processing4 sketches Gists

// Ce programme génère des aires sur une fenetre et fait apparaitre des formes en fonctions de la position de la balle qui se deplace
//4.1 Variables - Processing Tutorial _ The coding train youtube
float circleX; // we're going to use a var called circleX of type float // always use floats!
float circleY;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
float speed;
void setup() { // run once = initialization
size(640, 480); // draw window of size 640x480 px
circleX = 0; // initialize, ie set value of circleX to zero NB how it's ok to use an int value when var is declared as float!
circleY = 240;
radiusX = random(20, 30); // initialize var with random value between 20-29
radiusY = random(20, 30);
speed = 2;
void draw() { // loop over and over, until stopped. Every iteration is a different frame,
println("mouseX" + mouseX); // print to console
println("mouseY" + mouseY);
background(100, 200, 300); // display background
stroke(0); // draw with black
line(200, 0, 200, 480); // draw line
line(400, 0, 400, 480);
fill(100); // use grey fill color
ellipse(circleX, circleY, radiusX, radiusY); // draw circle
//LOGIC Part
if (mouseX < width) { // if mouseX stays in range of screen width. width is a built-in var that stores y coordinate of size()
circleX = circleX + speed; // moving ellipse on x-axis by incrementing its value
if (circleX >= 200) { // if circle position is over 200px on x-axis (condition 1)
background(255, 0, 0); // draw a red background
fill(100) ;
ellipse(circleX, circleY, radiusX + 50, radiusY + 50); // draw circle
rect(100, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2); // draw rectangle
line(200, 0, 200, 480); // draw vertical line
line(400, 0, 400, 480);
if (circleX >= 400) { //if ellipse position is beyond 400px on the x axis :(condition 2)
background(0, 255, 0); // draw a background
ellipse(circleX, circleY, radiusX + 100, radiusY + 100);
fill(0, 0, 255);
rect(100, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2);
fill(0, 0, 255);
rect(300, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2);
line(200, 0, 200, 480);
line(400, 0, 400, 480);
if (circleX >= width) { // if ball reaches right edge : (condition 3)
fill(0, 0, 255);
rect(100, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2);
fill(0, 255, 0);
rect(300, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2);
fill(0, 0, 255);
rect(450, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2);
circleX = 0; //reset circleX to 0 on the x axis ie the other border
// Notice how with if statements the three conditions (1,2,3) can happen
// If we had used if .... else if, only one of them could happen
//Ce programme affiche une image de ma famille et génère des formes psychedeliques en fonctions d'évènements de la souris
// Ctrl + T => autoformat
//4.1 Variables - Processing Tutorial _ The coding train youtube
float circleX; // we use foats now, it's more flexible, always use floats!
float circleY;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
float speed;
float background_colorR;
float background_colorG;
float background_colorB;
PImage photo;
void setup() { // runs once = initialization
size(640, 480); // sets window size
circleX = random(640); // var initialization, NB how it's ok to use an int value when var is declared as float!
circleY = random(480);
radiusX = random(20, 30);
radiusY = random(20, 30);
speed = random(0.25, 2);
background_colorR = random(0, 256);
background_colorG = random(0, 256);
background_colorB = random(0, 256);
photo = loadImage("mafamille2.jpg");
// background(pmouseX - background_colorR, pmouseY - background_colorG, background_colorB - (mouseX + mouseY)); // would make shapes stick to the screen
void draw() { // loops over and over, until stopped. Every iteration is a different frame,
stroke(255); // définit la couleur du trait de ligne à la couleur "blanc"
line(320, 0, 320, 480); // dessine une ligne verticale au milieu de l'écran
if (mouseX < width && mouseY < height) { // if mouse is on the sketch window
println("mouseX" + mouseX);
println("mouseY" + mouseY);
//Drawing Part
if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 630) { // if mouseX stays in the x-range of the sketch window
background(pmouseX - background_colorR, pmouseY - background_colorG, background_colorB - (mouseX + mouseY)); // displays background
rect(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY); // draws rectangle
strokeWeight(3); //thickness of the lines of the shapes
fill(pmouseX - random(0, 640), pmouseY - random(0, 480), random(255)); // fill color of the shape
ellipse(width - mouseX, height - mouseY, radiusX, radiusY); // draws random shape that moves in reverse direction of the mouse
//Logic Part
circleX = circleX + speed; // moving ellipse on x-axis
circleY = circleY + speed; // moving allipse on y-axis
radiusX = pmouseX*random(0.1, 1) + random(-640, 0); // changing radiusX with mouse moves
radiusY= pmouseY*random(0.1, 1) + random(-480, 0); // changing radiusY with mouse moves
//we needed to assign new values to circleX so that we can move it by keeping incrementing its pxil position value by one
//its moving at a rate of +1 pixel every frame, we can move it faster by incrementing it by a bigger number or slower by a smaller number
if (mouseY <= 10 || mouseY >= 460) { // if mouseY goes out of y-range of the sketch window
stroke(255); // définit la couleur du trait de ligne à la couleur "blanc"
line(320, 0, 320, 480); // dessine une ligne verticale au milieu de l'écran
//Ce programme génère un cadrant et change leur couleur en fonction de la position de la souris
//4.1 Variables - Processing Tutorial _ The coding train youtube
float circleX; // we're going to use a var called circleX of type float // always use floats!
float circleY;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
float speed;
void setup() { // run once = initialization
size(640, 480); // draw window of size 640x480 px
circleX = 0; // initialize, ie set value of circleX to zero NB how it's ok to use an int value when var is declared as float!
circleY = 240;
radiusX = random(20, 30); // initialize var with random value between 20-29
radiusY = random(20, 30);
speed = 2;
void draw() { // loop over and over, until stopped. Every iteration is a different frame,
println("mouseX" + mouseX); // print to console
println("mouseY" + mouseY);
background(100, 200, 300); // display blue background
stroke(0); // draw with black
//LOGIC Part
if (mouseX > 0){ // if mouseX gets on the sketch window
if (mouseX < 320 && mouseY < 240) { // if mouseX is in 1st quarter
fill(255, 0, 0); // set fill color of the shape to red
rect(0, 0, 320, 240); } // draw rectangle
else if (mouseX > 320 && mouseY < 240) { //
fill(0, 0, 255); // set fill color of the shape to blue
rect(320, 0, 320, 240); } // draw rectangle
else if (mouseX < 320 && mouseY > 240) { //if ellipse position is beyond 400px on the x axis :(condition 2)
fill(0, 255, 0); // set fill color of the shape to green
rect(0, 240, 320, 240); }
else if (mouseX > 320 && mouseY > 240) { //if ellipse position is beyond 400px on the x axis :(condition 2)
fill(255, 255, 0); // set fill color of the shape to yellow
rect(320, 240, 320, 240); }
line(320, 0, 320, 480); // draw line. NB: by placing the line at the bottom of the draw loop, they'll always get printed drawn
line(0, 240, 640, 240); // draw another line
// Notice how with if statements the three conditions (1,2,3) could all happen one after each other
// Now when we use .... else if, only the first condition met that is true can happen during each loop
// We"ve created horizontal region rollovers ie regions where when the mouse is over them, something happens
//Ce programme affiche une image de ma famille et déclenche des actions à partir d'évènements de la souris
//4.1 Variables - Processing Tutorial _ The coding train youtube
float circleX; // we use foats now, it's more flexible, always use floats!
float circleY;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
float speed;
float background_colorR;
float background_colorG;
float background_colorB;
PImage photo;
void setup() { // runs once = initialization
size(640, 480); // sets window size
circleX = random(640); // var initialization, NB how it's ok to use an int value when var is declared as float!
circleY = random(480);
radiusX = random(20, 30);
radiusY = random(20, 30);
speed = random(0.25, 2);
background_colorR = random(0, 256);
background_colorG = random(0, 256);
background_colorB = random(0, 256);
photo = loadImage("mafamille2.jpg");
// background(pmouseX - background_colorR, pmouseY - background_colorG, background_colorB - (mouseX + mouseY)); // would make shapes stick to the screen
void draw() { // loops over and over, until stopped. Every iteration is a different frame,
stroke(255); // définit la couleur du trait de ligne à la couleur "blanc"
line(320, 0, 320, 480); // dessine une ligne verticale au milieu de l'écran
if (mouseX < width && mouseY < height) { // if mouse is on the sketch window
println("mouseX" + mouseX);
println("mouseY" + mouseY);
//Drawing Part
if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 630) { // if mouseX stays in the x-range of the sketch window
background(pmouseX - background_colorR, pmouseY - background_colorG, background_colorB - (mouseX + mouseY)); // displays background
rect(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY); // draws rectangle
strokeWeight(3); //thickness of the lines of the shapes
fill(pmouseX - random(0, 640), pmouseY - random(0, 480), random(255)); // fill color of the shape
ellipse(width - mouseX, height - mouseY, radiusX, radiusY); // draws random shape that moves in reverse direction of the mouse
//Logic Part
circleX = circleX + speed; // moving ellipse on x-axis
circleY = circleY + speed; // moving allipse on y-axis
radiusX = pmouseX*random(0.1, 1) + random(-640, 0); // changing radiusX with mouse moves
radiusY= pmouseY*random(0.1, 1) + random(-480, 0); // changing radiusY with mouse moves
//we needed to assign new values to circleX so that we can move it by keeping incrementing its pxil position value by one
//its moving at a rate of +1 pixel every frame, we can move it faster by incrementing it by a bigger number or slower by a smaller number
if (mouseY <= 10 || mouseY >= 460) { // if mouseY goes out of y-range of the sketch window
stroke(255); // définit la couleur du trait de ligne à la couleur "blanc"
line(320, 0, 320, 480); // dessine une ligne verticale au milieu de l'écran
// Ce programme génère une ellipse qui traverse l'écran en s'agrandissant, comme une comète
// Ctrl + T => autoformat
//4.1 Variables - Processing Tutorial _ The coding train youtube
float circleX; // we use foats now, it's more flexible, always use floats!
float circleY;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
float speed;
float increase;
float fill_color;
float background_colorR;
float background_colorG;
float background_colorB;
float color_variation;
void setup() { // runs once = initialization
size(640, 480); // sets window size
circleX = random(0,640); // var initialization, NB how it's ok to use an int value when var is declared as float!
circleY = random(0,480);
radiusX = random(20,30);
radiusY = random(20,30);
speed = random(0.5,5);
increase = random(-10,10);
fill_color = random(256);
background_colorR = random(256);
background_colorG = random(256);
background_colorB = random(256);
void draw() { // loops over and over, until stopped. Every iteration is a different frame,
//Drawing Part
background(background_colorR, background_colorG, background_colorB);
fill(fill_color, fill_color + 100, fill_color + 200);
ellipse(circleX, circleY, radiusX, radiusY); //We draw a cercle at coordinates (circleX, circleY) inside the window
//Logic Part
circleX = circleX + speed; // moving ellipse on x-axis
circleY = circleY + speed; // moving allipse on y-axis
radiusX = radiusX - increase;
radiusY= radiusY - increase;
//we needed to assign new values to circleX so that we can move it by keeping incrementing its pxil position value by one
//its moving at a rate of +1 pixel every frame, we can move it faster by incrementing it by a bigger number or slower by a smaller number
// This programs generates and starts or stops the ball by clicking on the mouse
// 5.4 Bool var _ Processing
// A. Original Script
float x;
void setup() {
void draw(){
//Drawing Part
ellipse(x,150, 24, 24);
x = x +2;
// B. Now we don't want the mouse to move until we click the nouse
//option 1: modify script using if mousePressed()
float x;
void setup() {
void draw(){
//Drawing Part
ellipse(x,150, 24, 24);
if(mousePressed){// now when we click the mouse the ball starts, and stops when we release the button
x = x +2;
void mousePressed(){
// The mousePressed() function is an event listener, watching when mouse is pressed.
//It is called once after every time a mouse button is pressed.
//option 2: now we want the event of clicking the mouse to trigger the ball movement for ever
float x;
boolean going;
void setup() {
going = false;
void draw(){
//Drawing Part
ellipse(x,150, 24, 24);
if(going) {// now when we click the mouse the ball starts, and stops when we release the button
x = x + 2 ; }
void mousePressed(){
// The mousePressed() function is an event listener, watching when mouse is pressed.
// It is called ONCE after EVERY TIME a mouse button is pressed. When it is called, mousePressed built-in var = true just during
//the time the mouse is pressed. It returns to false whenever the mouse is released.
if (going){ //if going is false, which is the case by default
going = false;} // keep going false, notice we could have said:if !going
else {
going = true;}
//option 3: same than option 2 but shorter
float x;
boolean going;// a boolean variable is like a switch in our program that can be switched to off or on
// and we can act upon its value with conditionals: if "off" do this, if "on" do that ...
void setup() {
going = false;
void draw(){
//Drawing Part
ellipse(x,150, 24, 24);
if(going) {// now when we click the mouse the ball starts, and stops when we release the button
x = x + 2 ; }// ball position on x axis is incremented by 2 px after each iterationof draw() loop
void mousePressed(){
/** The mousePressed() function is an event listener, watching when mouse is pressed.
It is called ONCE after EVERY TIME a mouse button is pressed. When it is called, mousePressed built-in var = true just during
the time the mouse is pressed. It returns to false whenever the mouse is released.
going = !going; //bam!
//Ce programme génère un cadrant et change leur couleur en fonction de la position de la souris
//5.4 Logical Operators - Processing Tutorial _ The coding train youtube
float circleX;
float circleY;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
float speed;
void setup() { // run once = initialization
size(640, 480); // draw window of size 640x480 px
circleX = 0; // initialize, ie set value of circleX to zero NB how it's ok to use an int value when var is declared as float!
circleY = 240;
radiusX = random(20, 30); // initialize var with random value between 20-29
radiusY = random(20, 30);
speed = 2;
void draw() { // loop over and over, until stopped. Every iteration is a different frame,
println("mouseX" + mouseX); // print to console
println("mouseY" + mouseY);
background(100, 200, 300); // display blue background
stroke(0); // draw with black
//LOGIC Part
if (mouseX > 0){ // if mouseX gets on the sketch window
if (mouseX < 320 && mouseY < 240) { // if mouseX is in left-top quarter
fill(255, 0, 0); // set fill color of the shape to red
rect(0, 0, 320, 240); } // draw rectangle
else if (mouseX > 320 && mouseY < 240) { // if mouseX is in right-top quarter
fill(0, 0, 255); // set fill color of the shape to blue
rect(320, 0, 320, 240); } // draw rectangle
else if ((mouseX < 320) && !(mouseY < 240)) { // if mouseX is in left-down quarter
fill(0, 255, 0); // set fill color of the shape to green
rect(0, 240, 320, 240); } // draw rectangle
else if (mouseX > 320 && mouseY > 240) { //if mouseX is in right-down quarter
fill(255, 255, 0); // set fill color of the shape to yellow
rect(320, 240, 320, 240); } // draw rectangle
line(320, 0, 320, 480); // draw line. NB: by placing the line at the bottom of the draw loop, they'll always get printed drawn
line(0, 240, 640, 240); // draw another line
// When we use .... else if, only the first condition met that is true can happen during each loop
// We"ve created horizontal region rollovers ie regions where when the mouse is over them, something happens
//Ce programme génère 2 balles qui rebondissent (suivant x et y) et l'arrière plan change de couleur en fonction de la position de la souris
// 5.5 Bouncing Ball HOMEWORK
/** We want the ball to bounce on the border
1. try bounce BALL on the horizontal borders (along y axis)_ ok cf. use of circleY var
2. have it speed up or slow down when it reaches borders _ ok cf. use of acceleration var
3. Findout why xspeed = xspeed * -0.9 causes the ball to get stuck while -1.1 doesn't _ ok
//answer: let's say circleX reaches 639, at the next draw() iteration, xspeed = -0,9*10 = -9 then doesn't make it reach the other border so
4. Think about simulating gravity _ not ok didn't aachieve it :(
float circleX;
float xspeed;
void setup(){
circleX = 0;
xspeed = 10;
void draw(){
circleX = circleX + xspeed;
if (circleX > width || circleX <0 ){
if (circleX < 0){ xspeed = 10;}
else {xspeed = -10;}
float circleX;
float circleY;
float circleY2;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
float yspeed2;
boolean clic;
float acceleration;
float gravity;
void setup(){
circleY = 0;
xspeed = 10; //notice! speed has to be big enough to send the ball back on the other border, otherwise the bouncing condition (xposition) will never be true
yspeed = 10;
acceleration = 1;
clic = false;
void draw(){
background(mouseX, mouseY, random(0,256)); // draw a random background in fonction of mouse position
stroke(255); // stroke color is white
fill(102); // fill color is grey
ellipse(width/2,circleY, 32,32); // draw a circle in the middle of the upper border
ellipse(circleX,height/2, 32,32); // draw a circle in the middle of the left border
if (clic){
circleX = circleX + xspeed * acceleration;
circleY = circleY + yspeed * acceleration;
if (circleX > width || circleX <0 ){ // if ball outreaches border
xspeed *= -1 ; // inverse speed => makes the ball increment/decrement its x position in the opposite direction
acceleration += 0.05; // accelerate it
if (circleY > height || circleY <0 ){
yspeed = yspeed * -1 ; // inverse speed => makes the ball increment/decrement its y position in the opposite direction
void mousePressed(){
clic = !clic;
// Ce prog génère 2 balles qui rebondissent
// 5.5 Bouncing Ball
/** We want the ball to bounce on the border
In pseudo code, we want:
A partir du bord gauche, que la balle bouge à la vitesse xspeed // circleX = circleX + speed;
Si la balle touche le bord droit, //
alors repars vers la gauche ! //
Si la balle touche le bord gauche, //
alors repars vers la droite ...
float circleX;
float xspeed;
void setup(){
circleX = 0;
xspeed = 10;
void draw(){
circleX = circleX + xspeed;
if (circleX > width){
xspeed = -10;}
if (circleX < 0){
xspeed = 10;}
float circleX;
float xspeed;
void setup(){
circleX = 0;
xspeed = 10;
void draw(){
circleX = circleX + xspeed;
if (circleX > width || circleX <0 ){
if (circleX < 0){ xspeed = 10;}
else {xspeed = -10;}
float circleX;
float xspeed;
void setup(){
circleX = 0;
xspeed = 10;
void draw(){
circleX = circleX + xspeed;
if (circleX > width || circleX <0 ){
xspeed = xspeed * -1 ; //we inverse speed whenever ball outreaches borders achieving same effect than version B
//Ce programme génére une grille remplie de balles rouges grace
//6.2 2 Loops _ Grid exercise WITH FOR LOOP
int i;
int j = 25;
for (int x = 50; x <width; x = x +50){// 1.init cond ; 2. boolean condition ; 3. increment
line(x,0,x,height ); //4. statement: draw vertical line at x down to bottom of screen
for (int y=50; y<height; y = y + 50){ //init cond ; 2. boolean condition ; 3. increment
line(0 ,y,width,y); //draw horizontal line at y to the other side of screen
// My 1ST attempt to fill the grid with red balls of diameter 20 px every 50 px, I didn't succeed to fill last column nor last bottom left corner :(
for (i=25; i < 601; i = i + 50){ // for every row
for ( j = 25; j<450; j = j + 50){ // for every column
ellipse(i, j,20,20);}
// My 2ND attempt to fill the grid with balls of diameter 20 px every 50 px after watching the video tuto 6.6 on Nested Loops
fill(255,0,0); // the ball will have random colors
for (i=25; i < width; i = i + 50){ // for "column 1" set "i = 25" ...
for ( j = 25; j< height; j = j + 50){ // ... then set "j = 25", then "j = 75", .... until "j >= height"
ellipse(i, j,20,20);} // draw a circle at coordinates (i = 25, j = 25), then (25, 75), then (25, 125) , etc. draw a circle at all j coordinates for the same i coordinate (we draw columns 1 first... we could have drawn line first by inverting inner and outer lines).
// then for "column 2" set "i = 75" ....
// then set "j = 25", then "j = 75", .... until "j >= height" ....
// draw a circle at coordinates (i = 75, j = 25), then (75, 75), then (75, 125) , etc
// Ce programme génère une ligne de balles de couleur sur une grille
//6.2 2 Loops _ Grid exercise
float x;
float y;
void setup(){
x = 0;
void draw(){
x = 50;
y = 50;
while(x <width){
line(x,0,x,height ); //draw vertical line at x down to bottom of screen
x = x +50; //increment x position by 50px
while(y < height){
line(0 ,y,width,y); //draw horizontal line at y to the other side of screen
y = y + 50; //increment y position by 50px
for (int i=25; i < 601; i = i + 50){
//Bubble Class
class Bubble {
float x;
float y;
float diameter;
Bubble(float tempD) {
x = width/2;
y = height;
diameter = tempD;
void ascend() {
x = x + random(-2,2);
void display() {
ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter);
void top() {
if (y < -diameter/2) {
y = height+diameter/2;
// Bubble objects App
Bubble b1;
Bubble b2;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
b1 = new Bubble(64);
b2 = new Bubble(16);
void draw() {
// Ce programme génère un rond et le deplace en fonction des mvts de la souris suivant x et inversement suivant y
void setup() { // runs once = initialization
size(800,800); // sets window size
void draw() { // loops over and over, until stopped
//Placing background here is what gives the illusion of movement
//Background is wiped after it loop iteration, so the form is seen as mooving from one point to another
// following the moves of the mouse
//If background was placed in the setup bllock, the background woulld stay still and each move of the
//form would stick to the screen, on aurait un tracé des positions successives de la forme après chaque iteration
// de la boucle draw(){}
//the numbers are the R,G,B colors of background
stroke(255,0,0); //trait en couleur RGB
strokeWeight(3); //epaisseur trait
fill(#fff894,55); // couleur remplissage forme
ellipse(mouseX, height-mouseY,200,200);
// In order to introduce variation, we use variables
// MouseX is a word that stands for a number (ie the x,y coordinates of the mouse), it's a variable
// MouseX is a built-in var
/**stroke(0,255,0); //RGB
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 100,100); // dessine elipse
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 100,100);
stroke(204,102,0); //RGB
rect(mouseX,mouseY,125,50); **/
// Ce programme génère un échiquier composé de cases en niveau de gris et le remplit de balles clignotantes aux couleurs basées sur la
//position de la souris
void setup() {
size(650, 500);
void draw() {
//1. Lets draw a grid of squares of random colors with a nested for loop
for (int y=0; y < height; y = y + 50) { // for "line 1" set "y = 0" ...
for (int x =0; x < width; x = x + 50) { // ... then set "x = 0", then "x = 50", .... until "x >= width"
rect(x, y, 50, 50); // draw a square at coordinates (x = 0, y = 0), then (50, 0), then (100, 0) , etc. draw a square at all x coordinates for the same y coordinate (here we draw lines first...)
// then for "line 2" set "y = 50" ....
// then set "x = 50", then "x = 100", .... until "x >= width" ....
// draw a square at coordinates (x = 50, y = 5O), then (100, 50), then (150, 50) , etc
//2. Now, Lets fill the grid with balls of random colors that will change color based on mouse position
for (int i=25; i < width; i = i + 50) { // for "column 1" set "i = 25" ...
for (int j = 25; j< height; j = j + 50) { // ... then set "j = 25", then "j = 75", .... until "j >= height"
float random_color1 = random(0, mouseX); // we declare and initialize local var for the random color
float random_color2 = random(0, mouseY);
float random_color3 = random(mouseX, mouseY);
fill(random_color1, random_color2, random_color3); // the ball will have random colors
ellipse(i, j, 20, 20); // draw a circle at coordinates (i = 25, j = 25), then (25, 75), then (25, 125) , etc. draw a circle at all j coordinates for the same i coordinate (we draw column 1 first... we could have drawn line first by inverting inner and outer lines).
// then for "column 2" set "i = 75" ....
// then set "j = 25", then "j = 75", .... until "j >= height" ....
// draw a circle at coordinates (i = 75, j = 25), then (75, 75), then (75, 125) , etc
// Ce programme génére une application de dessin basique avec la souris
// Ctrl + T => autoformat
//This program shows how to trigger or stop the draw() loop with events mousePressed, keyPressed
void setup() { // runs once = initialization
size(800, 800); // sets window size
background(100, 200, 300);
/** This time we must put background in the set so we can keep what we draw!
The sketch window not being wiped after each iteration...
So, each point drawn stays displayed after each iteration of the draw() loop,
thus forming a continuous line on the screen**/
void draw() { // loops over and over, until stopped
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY);
void mousePressed() {
background(100, 200, 300); //This sets the background to the default one, giving the illusion of erasing the drawing
//A. Let's make our bouncing ball prog we did earlier MODULAR using functions
It should have 3 main fn (or modules) inside draw() :
1. DisplayBall();
3. checkEdges();
float circleX;
float circleY;
float circleY2;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
float yspeed2;
boolean clic;
float acceleration;
float gravity;
void setup(){
circleY = 0;
xspeed = 10;
yspeed = 10;
acceleration = 1;
clic = false;
void draw(){
background(mouseX, mouseY, random(0,256));
displayBall(); // displayBall fn
if (clic){
moveBall(); // moveBall fn
checkEdges(); // checkEdges fn
//if we encounter a problem, we could easily debug our prog by commenting one or two of these fn in order to know
//from which of them the problem comes from
// Function Definitions
void displayBall(){
fill(102); // fill color is grey
ellipse(width/2,circleY, 32,32); // draw a circle in the middle of the upper border
ellipse(circleX,height/2, 32,32); // draw a circle in the middle of the left border
void moveBall(){
circleX = circleX + xspeed * acceleration;
circleY = circleY + yspeed * acceleration;
void checkEdges(){
if (circleX > width || circleX <0 ){ // if ball outreaches border
xspeed *= -1 ; // inverse speed => makes the ball increment/decrement its x position in the opposite direction
acceleration += 0.05; // accelerate it
if (circleY > height || circleY <0 ){
yspeed = yspeed * -1 ; // inverse speed => makes the ball increment/decrement its y position in the opposite direction
void mousePressed(){
clic = !clic;
//Ce programme génère des formes et les fait apparaitre ou disparaitre des formes en fonction de la position de la souris
//4.1 Variables - Processing Tutorial _ The coding train youtube
float circleX; // we're going to use a var called circleX of type float // always use floats!
float circleY;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
float speed;
void setup() { // run once = initialization
size(640, 480); // draw window of size 640x480 px
circleX = 0; // initialize, ie set value of circleX to zero NB how it's ok to use an int value when var is declared as float!
circleY = 240;
radiusX = random(20, 30); // initialize var with random value between 20-29
radiusY = random(20, 30);
speed = 2;
void draw() { // loop over and over, until stopped. Every iteration is a different frame,
println("mouseX" + mouseX); // print to console
println("mouseY" + mouseY);
background(100, 200, 300); // display blue background
stroke(0); // draw with black
//LOGIC Part
if (mouseX < 630 || mouseY <= 470) { // if mouseX is in range of screen width. width is a built-in var that stores y coordinate of size()
if (mouseX >= 400) { // if circle position is over 400px on x-axis (condition 1)
fill(255, 0, 0); // set fill color of the shape to red
rect(100, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2); // draw rectangle
} else if (mouseX >= 200) { //if ellipse position is beyond 400px on the x axis :(condition 2)
fill(0, 0, 255); // set fill color of the shape to blue
rect(500, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2);
} else if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX <= 200) { //if ellipse position is beyond 400px on the x axis :(condition 2)
fill(0, 255, 0); // set fill color of the shape to green
rect(300, circleY-25, radiusX*2, radiusY*2);
line(200, 0, 200, 480); // draw line. NB: by placing the line at the bottom of the draw loop, they'll always get printed drawn
line(400, 0, 400, 480); // draw another line
// Notice how with if statements the three conditions (1,2,3) could all happen one after each other
// Now when we use .... else if, only the first condition met that is true can happen during each loop
// We"ve created horizontal region rollovers ie regions where when the mouse is over them, something happens
// this program draw lines
size(800,800); //sets a window
stroke(025); // sets stroke color
line(120, 80, 400, 300);
// draw an ellipse
//Ce programme génère des lignes verticales qui remplissent l'écran de gauche à droite comme un accordéon
// VERSION 1: loops vs draw
void setup() {
size(640, 480);
void draw() { // this "outer" loop is for animation, each iteration is one frame, it happens over and over
int x =0; // x position is reset to zero before the while loop happens
while (x< mouseX) { // this "inner" loops repeats multiple times (sometimes "many times", sometimes "a few times" depending on mouseX position) during each frame of animation.
line(x, 0, x, height);
x = x+20;
//the effect achieved is an accordeon effect that will span from position 0 up to the postion of mouseX
//VERSION 2: loops vs draw / Giving the impression of slowing down the draw loop, making it appear like if each line is the result of one iteration of the draw loop, which is not the case!
float endX =0 ;
void setup() {
size(640, 480);
void draw() { // this "outer" loop happens over and over, each iteration is one frame
int x =0; // x position is set to zero before the 1st time the while loop happens and after each subsequent exit of the while loop (when bool cond is or becomes false), which causes a new iteration of the draw loop to happen again
while (x< endX) { // this "inner" loops is always executed in its entirety during EACH frame of animation.
line(x, 0, x, height); // draw a vertical line at position x as long as condition is true
x = x+20; // increment the position of x by 20 px and draw the next line 20 px further as long as condition is true
} // we exit this loop only when the boolean condition (x < endX) is false
// all the lines the while ("inner") loop has had the time to draw until condition became false are displayed by the draw("outer) loop whenever we exit the while loop.
//So, 0 line is drawn at 1st draw() iteration, then 1 line is drawn and displayed between during iteration 2 and 42 *, then 2 lines are drawn and displayed during iteration 43 and 44, etc...
endX = endX + 1; // endX is only incremented by 1 everytime we get out of the while loop
// then, a new iteration of draw() happens
//the effect achieved by this program is an accordeon effect that will span from position 0 up to endX, giving an impression of drawing a line at a slower pace
// Ce programme génère des multitudes de balles qui se rapprochent (jusqu'à former une ligne) ou s'éloignent quand on déplace la souris
The code inside an if statement execute either 0 times (if cond is false) or 1 time (if cond is true)
But whith a while loop, the code can execute either, 0, 1, 2, 3 .... or an infinite number of times as long as
cond stays true.
float x;
void setup(){
x = 0;
void draw(){
x = 0; // initialize x to 0 before each loop
while(x < width){
println("mouse position is " + mouseX + " x position is " + x );
println(" ");
if (mouseX < 1){ //exit condition in case mouseX = 0 what would cause an infinite loop trying to execute x = x + mouseX when x=0 and mouseX = 0 causing x=x=0 forever
x = x + 1; } //exit condition statement: make sure exit condition is met by incrementing x by 1 so x doesnt stay equal to 0 when mouseX=0
//we made sure the value of x will always be some positive number
x = x + mouseX; }//increment x position by mouseX. This is where the risk of an infinite loop was if mouseX is value was O, but it was prevented with the exit condition and statement
println("cercle is going to drawn at x = " + x);
println(" ");
ellipse(x, 150, 16, 16);
// Ce programme génère une grille (comme un damier) dont la taille des cases varie de manière aléatoire
//6.2 2 Loops _ Grid exercise
// VERSION 1: static grid
float x;
float y;
float i;
float incrementi;
float incrementj;
void setup(){
x = 0;
void draw(){
x = 50;
y = 50;
while(x <width){
line(x,0,x,height ); //draw vertical line at x down to bottom of screen
x = x +50; //increment x position by 50px
while(y < height){
line(0 ,y,width,y); //draw horizontal line at y to the other side of screen
y = y + 50; //increment y position by 50px
float x;
float y;
float spacing = 50;
void setup(){
// spacing = 50; DIDN'T WORK B/C Variables declared within setup() are not accessible within other functions, including draw().
void draw(){
spacing = spacing + random(-2,2);
while(x <width){
line(x,0,x,height ); //draw vertical line at x down to bottom of screen
x = x + spacing; //increment x position by a random number of pixels
while(y < height){
line(0 ,y,width,y); //draw horizontal line at y to the other side of screen
y = y + spacing; //increment y position by a random number of px
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