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Please complete the following questions to be registered as a basic (non voting) member of PyLadies.
PyLadies Membership Option
Yes - I would like voting privileges. If yes, I will complete the extended membership voting form.
No - I would like basic membership. This entitles me to updates from PyLadies by email.
Would you like to receive the PyLadies email newsletter?
Options: Yes, No
Consent to Share Information
I consent to share my name, email, and the above data with PyLadies. Consenting to sharing this information permits PyLadies sending you occassional e-mails, sharing my information with the official organizers of the PyLadies Chapter I am affiliated with, PyLadies Global leadership, and the Python Software Foundation.
Please complete the additional questions to be registered as a voting member of PyLadies.
Member Information
Options: she/her, he/his, they/them, ve/ver/vis
PyLadies Slack Handle
GitHub Handle [Optional]:
Twitter Handle [Optional]:
Language(s) spoken:
Options [Multiple Choice]: List of
Professional title:
Options [Single Choice]:
Software Engineer / Developer
Data Scientist
Researcher / Scientist
Project Manager
Engineering Manager
Technical Project Manager
UI / UX Designer
Data Analyst
Other: [Write-in]
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining
Utilities Construction
Computer and Electronics Manufacturing Other Manufacturing
Wholesale Retail
Transportation and Warehousing Publishing
Software Telecommunications
Broadcasting Information Services and Data Processing
Other Information Industry Finance and Insurance
Real Estate, Rental and Leasing College, University, and Adult Education
Primary/Secondary (K-12) Education Other Education Industry
Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
Hotel and Food Services Government and Public Administration
Legal Services Scientific or Technical Services
Homemaker Military
Religious Other Industry
What programming would you like to see PyLadies invest in? [Freeform]
What types of events do you find value in:
Options: networking, workshops, code and coffee / informal coding meetups, conferences, other: write in
PyLadies Volunteering
Would you like to be more involved in PyLadies Globally?
Options: Yes, No
If yes, do any of these project teams interest you?
Options: Project communications - - helps with blog, translation, social media; Project admin & logistics - - helps with creating new chapters, etc.; Project tech & infra - manages and more ; Other: [Writein]
Would you like to be more involved in PyLadies locally?
Options: Yes, No
If yes, what or where are you interested in helping?
Options: Organizing, Speaking, Hosting, Financially, Other: [Writein]
Python Background
How long have you used Python?
Options: 0 - 1 year, 2 - 5 years, 5+ years
How do you use Python?
Options: In my job, As a student, Open source, Other: [Writein]
Are you a Python Software Foundation member?
Options: Yes, No
If yes, what level?
Options: Basic, Supporting, Managing, Contributing
PyLadies Newsletter
Would you like to receive the PyLadies email newsletter?
Options: Yes, No
Consent to Share Information
I consent to share my name, email, and the above data with PyLadies. Consenting to sharing this information permits PyLadies sending you occassional e-mails, sharing my information with the official organizers of the PyLadies Chapter I am affiliated with, PyLadies Global leadership, and the Python Software Foundation.