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siakaramalegos /
Last active August 7, 2019 08:29
Next-level React Workshop

Next-level React Workshop: React Router, Redux and more

This is a full-day workshop on intermediate to advanced topics on building real-world ReactJS Web applications. We will start by learning about the core fundamentals of Redux including pure functions, actions, reducers, the store, and subscriptions. Then we will integration Redux into a React app, learning about components vs containers, accessing the store, async actions, middleware, and thunks. Next, we will layer in React Router 4, learning about params, queries, and redirects; prompt before navigation, and scrollToTop.

Time permitting and based on audience preferences, we can learn about using component libraries, styling, forms and validations, and more!

zcaceres /
Last active August 17, 2023 23:38
Understanding Binding and 'this' in Javascript by

How to Eyeball Your ‘This’ Context in Javascript

The early programmer struggles with the Javascript keyword this. But understanding your this context is easier than it seems.

This is all about where a function is invoked. Often, early programmers worry about where the function was declared. Perhaps the function was declared in a specific file or a particular object. Surely this changes it's this!


loriculberson / oven.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11 — forked from jcasimir/oven.rb
class Oven
attr_reader :state
def initialize
@state =
def temp_up
@state = state.temp_up