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Last active February 17, 2025 02:55
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  • Save losh11/9d725964ac467364c18f2a1a16fa8879 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save losh11/9d725964ac467364c18f2a1a16fa8879 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"onboarding": {
"forgot_pin": "Zapomniałeś/aś PINu?",
"forgot_pin_description": "", // Forgot your Pincode?\nEnter your seed phrase to reset your pincode.
"enter_pin": "Wpisz swój PIN",
"attempts_left_one": "Pozostały {{count}} próby.",
"attempts_left_other": "Pozostały {{count}} próby.",
"for_litecoin": "", // FOR LITECOIN
"create_wallet": "", // Create Wallet
"already_wallet": "", // Already have a wallet? Log In
"recover_wallet": "", // Recover Wallet
"enter_seed": "", // Enter your seed phrase words below.
"create_pin": "", // Create Pincode
"create_pin_description": "", // Please create a secure pincode.
"create_pin_repeat": "", // Enter your pincode again.
"confirm_pin": "", // Confirm Pincode
"verify_pin": "", // Verify your Pincode
"seed_phrase": "", // Your Seed Phrase
"seed_phrase_description": "", // The 24 words below is your seed phrase.
"seed_phrase_description_2": "", // Your seed phrase is your password to your Litecoin & Wallet. Write it down and keep it safe somewhere secure!
"scroll_right": "", // Scroll Right
"confirm_written": "", // I have written it down
"verify_seed": "", // Verify Seed Phrase
"verify_seed_description": "", // Select word #{{position}} to verify your seed phrase.
"continue": "", // Continue
"incorrect_seed": "", // Incorrect word! Check you have written down the correct word.
"face_id": "", // Face ID
"touch_id": "", // Touch ID
"biometric_description": "", // Would you like to use {{biometricType}} to unlock your wallet?
"enable_biometric": "", // Enable {{biometricType}}
"maybe": "", // Maybe Later
"tap_to_start": "", // Tap Anywhere to Start
"back": "", // Back
"presync": "", // Presync in Progress
"presync_description": "", // Your wallet is currently presyncing. This only happens once, and helps speed setting up your Nexus Wallet.
"retry": "", // Retry
"invalid_word": "", // Invalid Word
"invalid_description": "", // This word is not valid - check your spelling and try again.
"try_again": "" // Try Again
"main": {
"main_wallet": "Main Wallet",
"copy_address": "Kopiuj adres",
"copied": "Skopiowano do schowka",
"add_wallet": "Dodaj nowy portfel",
"all": "Wszystkie",
"buy": "Kup",
"sell": "Sprzedaj",
"convert": "Wymień",
"send": "Wyślij",
"receive": "Odbierz",
"latest_txs": "Ostatnie transakcje",
"received_ltc": "Otrzymano Litecoin",
"bought_ltc": "Kupiono Litecoin",
"sent_ltc": "Wysłano Litecoin",
"sold_ltc": "Sprzedano Litecoin",
"received": "Odebrano",
"sent": "Wysłano",
"from": "Od",
"to": "Do",
"time_date": "Godzina i data",
"network_fee": "Opłata sieciowa",
"view_on_blockchain": "Zobacz na blockchainie",
"bought": "", // Bought
"sold": "", // Sold
"completed": "GOTOWE",
"total": "Łącznie",
"total_fee": "Prowizja",
"moobpay_id": "ID MOONPAY ",
"tx_id": "ID tranzakcji",
"date": "DATA",
"provider_fee": "OPŁATA DOSTAWCY",
"blockchain": "BLOCKCHAIN",
"details": "SZCZEGÓŁY",
"empty_transactions": "Twoje transakcje pojawią się tutaj",
"load_txs": "", // Loading Transactions...
"recover_txs": "", // Recovering Transactions...
"1d": "", // 1D
"1w": "", // 1W
"1m": "", // 1M
"3m": "", // 3M
"1y": "", // 1Y
"all_time": "", // ALL
"order_id": "" // ORDER ID
"buyTab": {
"buy": "KUP ",
"n_ltc": "{{amount}}",
"for": "za ",
"total": "{{currencySymbol}}{{total}}",
"history": "Historia",
"preview_buy": "Podgląd zakupu",
"min_purchase": "Minimalny zakup {{currencySymbol}}{{minAmountInFiat}}",
"purchase_history": "Historia zakupów",
"change": "ZMIEŃ",
"cancel": "", // CANCEL
"purchasing": "Kupujesz",
"rate": "kurs",
"will_spend": "Wydasz",
"rate_per_ltc": "{{rate}} za 1LTC",
"continue_purchase": "Dokończ zakup",
"back": "Wróć",
"buy_blocked": "", // Buy Litecoin is currently not available in your country/state.
"error_title": "" // Something's wrong!
"sellTab": {
"sell": "Sprzedaj ",
"sell_litecoin": "Sprzedaj Litecoin",
"preview_sell": "Sprzedaj LTC",
"sell_blocked": "" // Sell Litecoin is currently not available in your country/state.
"sendTab": {
"send_ltc": "Wyślij LTC",
"send_litecoin": "Wyślij Litecoin",
"amount": "Ilość",
"send_to_address": "Wyślij na adres",
"address_invalid": "", // {{ }} IS INVALID
"enter_address": "Wpisz adres Litecoin",
"description": "Opis",
"confirm": "", // Confirm
"close": "Zamknij",
"scan_qr": "Zeskanuj QR kod",
"camera_note": "Aplikacja użyje Twojego aparatu by zeskanować kod QR.",
"enable_flash": "Włącz lampę błyskową",
"camara_disabled": "Aparat wyłączony",
"enable_camera": "Włącz uprawnienia aparatu by zeskanować kod QR",
"awesome": "", // Awesome!
"just-sent": "" // You just sent {{10 Litecoin}}
"receiveTab": {
"receive_ltc": "Odbierz LTC",
"receive_privately": "", // Receive Privately
"send_privately": "Wyślij prywatnie",
"my_ltc_address": "Mój adres LTC",
"recieve_mweb_description": "" // Receiving privately hides the sender and receiver addresses, and amount being sent.
"searchTab": {
"transactions": "Transakcje",
"all": "Wszystkie",
"regular": "Zwyczajne",
"find_tx": "Znajdź transakcję",
"paste": "Wklej",
"auto_fill": "Auto-uzupełnianie",
"contact": "Kontakt",
"passwords": "Hasła",
"scan_text": "Zeskanuj tekst",
"txs_note": "Twoje transakcje pojawią się tutaj"
"alertsTab": {
"price_alerts": "Alerty cenowe",
"create_alerts": "Stwórz alert",
"create_alerts_note": "Stwórz alerty, by dostawać informację gdy cena LTC osiągnie poziom który wybierzesz.",
"alerts_appear_here": "Twoje alerty pojawią się tutaj",
"set_alerts": "Ustaw alerty",
"alert_me_when": "Powiadom mnie gdy cena Litecoina wyniesie",
"below": "Poniżej",
"above": "Powyżej",
"create_alert": "Stwórz Alert",
"price_compare": "", // Litecoin (LTC) is {{above/below}} ${currencySymbol}${alertValueInLocalFiat}
"last_time": "" // Last time LTC reached this value was {{date}}.
"settingsTab": {
"settings": "Ustawienia",
"need_support": "Potrzebujesz pomocy? Zadaj pytanie!",
"back": "Wróć",
"nexus_support_chat": "Czat Nexus ",
"have_a_question": "Masz pytanie? Nasz zespół chętnie pomoże!",
"we_away": "W tej chwili nie jesteśmy dostępni",
"start_conv": "Zacznij czat",
"provide_with_name_and_email": "Cześć! Zanim połączymy Cię z agentem, podaj nam proszę swoje imie oraz email. Napisz też z czym masz problem.",
"name_title": "Imie",
"name": "Imie?",
"email_title": "Email",
"email": "Email?",
"message_title": "Wiadomość",
"message": "Napisz w czym możemy pomóc",
"connecting_status": "Łączymy cię z jednym z naszych agentów. Może to zająć chwilę, więc zostaw wiadomość i wróć tu później.",
"type_message": "Wpisz wiadomość",
"done": "Gotowe",
"about": "O aplikacji",
"foundation_preamble": "Stworzony przez (LTC FOUNDATION)",
"change_wallet_pin": "Zmień PIN do portfela",
"change_login_pin": "Zmień PIN do logowania",
"enter_old_pin": "Wpisz swój poprzedni PIN",
"enter_new_pin": "Wpisz nowy PIN",
"repeat_new_pin": "Powtórz nowy PIN",
"success": "Udało się!",
"successfully_reset": "PIN został zmieniony",
"enable_face_id": "Włącz {{faceIDSupported}}",
"face_id": "Face ID",
"touch_id": "",
"import_private_key": "Zaimportuj klucz prywatny",
"import_private_key_note": "Zaimportowanie klucza prywatnego przenosi Twoje LTC z tego portfela do Twojego portfela w Nexus. ",
"import_private_key_warning": "Nie będziesz mógł użyć tego klucza ponownie, by uzyskać dostęp do twoich LTC.",
"scan_private_key": "Zeskanuj klucz prywatny",
"block_explorer": "Block Explorer",
"select_block_explorer": "Wybierz Block Explorer",
"select_block_explorer_note": "Możesz wybrać preferowany block explorer by przeglądać transakcje",
"change_currency": "Zmień walutę",
"select_fiat": "Wybierz walutę FIAT",
"view_seed": "Zobacz swoją seed frazę",
"view_paper_key": "Zobacz klucz papierowy",
"last_time_accessed": "Ostatnio używane:",
"litecoin_denomination": "Denominacja Litecoina",
"reset_wallet": "Zresetuj portfel?",
"import_litewallet": "", // Import Litewallet
"litewallet_description": "", // Litewallet users can import their coins into Nexus Wallet. Entering your paper key below will permanently move your coins from Litewallet into Nexus.
"litewallet_success": "", // IMPORTED LITEWALLET!
"invalid_seed": "", // Incorrect Seed Phrase
"invalid": "", // Invalid
"pincode_invalid": "", // Pincodes did not match. Try again.
"okay": "", // Okay
"ok": "", // OK
"dismiss": "", // Dismiss
"awesome": "", // Awesome!
"success_import": "", // You just imported Litecoin.
"back_to_wallet": "", // Back to Wallet
"reset_warning": "", // Are you absolutely sure you would like to reset your wallet? Backup your seed phrase before resetting.
"view_tx": "", // View Transaction
"camera_error": "", // Camera Disabled
"cancel": "" // Cancel
"modals": {
"delete": "", // Delete
"delete_alert": "", // Delete Alert
"hide_modal": "", // Hide Modal
"tx_speed": "", // Transaction Speed
"fee_description": "", // Higher fees prioritise your transaction to confirm faster.
"fee_estimate": "", // 1 block = ~2.5 mins
"view_change": "" // View Change Address
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