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Last active July 4, 2019 20:22
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Dynamic (single level) menu for Angular ui-router
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app>
<nav class="main-nav" data-main-menu data-root="index"></nav>
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ui.router.js"></script>
'use strict';
define(['app'], function (app) {
var mainMenu = function($state, $stateParams, commons) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
templateUrl: commons.path('views') + 'common/menu.html',
transclude: true,
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
var root = tAttrs.root;
return function($scope, $elem, $attr) {
$ = function(state){
return false;
if(!angular.isDefined({ = 'fa-link';
if(!angular.isDefined({ =;
state.current = == root ? $ : $state.includes(;
} else {
state.current = $;
return true;
app.register.directive('mainMenu', ['$state', '$stateParams', 'commons', mainMenu]);
<li data-ng-repeat="state in $state.get() | filter:show" data-ui-sref-active="current">
<a ui-sref="{{ }}"><i class="fa {{ }}"></i>{{ }}</a>
/* In my main config module */
// Shown in menu
.state('index', {
url: "/",
menu : {
title : 'Dashboard',
icon : 'fa-home'
/* In another config module */
// Not shown in menu
.state('index.item', {
url: "/item"
// Show in menu
.state('index.item.child', {
url: "/child1",
abstract: true
menu : {
title : 'A menu item',
state : 'index.item.child.grandchild' // Point to children
// Not shown in menu but a menu item point to it
.state('index.item.child.grandchild', {
url: ""
// Not shown in menu
.state('index.item.child.grandchild2', {
url: "/child2"
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in state.js on line 24, what is going on with the syntax? isn't there a comma missing on line 23? and, i don't see a "menu" property available in the API, per the documentation:$stateProvider

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