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Last active January 8, 2021 01:42
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SVG Exercise 03: Morphing Generative flower
svg(viewBox="-50 -50 100 100")
const xlinkNS = '';
const svgNS = '';
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
const PI = Math.PI
const DEG = PI / 180;
const R = (a, b) => a + Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a+1));
const pathDef = (arr, closed) => 'M' +{x, y}) => `${x} ${y}`).join('L') + (closed ? 'Z':'');
function rotate({x, y}, a) {
const { sin, cos } = Math;
return {
x: x * cos(a) - y * sin(a),
y: x * sin(a) + y * cos(a)
function translate({x, y}, tx, ty) {
return {
x: x + tx,
y: y + ty
function scale({x,y}, sx, sy) {
return {
x: x * sx, y: y * sy
function mirrorX({x,y}) {
return scale({x,y}, -1, 1);
function petal(w, h, N = 4) {
const p = Array(N).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({
x: (i < N-1) ? (Math.random() * (w/2)) : 0,
y: (i+1)/N*h})
return [{x:0,y:0}, ...p, ...p.reverse().slice(1).map(mirrorX), {x:0,y:0}]
function flower(numLeafs) {
const P = petal(25, 40, R(2, 16)).slice(0,-1);
return [...Array(numLeafs).fill(0).map(
(_, i) => => rotate(point, i * DEG * 360 / numLeafs))
).flat(), {x:0, y:0}];
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const path = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'path');
path.setAttribute('class', 'stroke');
path.setAttribute('d', pathDef(flower(R(2,8) * 3)));
path.setAttribute('id', 'flower_' + (i+1));
const initial = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'path');
initial.setAttribute('class', 'stroke');
initial.setAttribute('d', $('path').getAttribute('d'));
initial.setAttribute('id', 'flower_initial');
const tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: -1, paused: true });
for (let i = 2; i <= 16; i++) {'#flower_1', {morphSVG: '#flower_' + i}, '+=1')
}'#flower_1', {morphSVG: '#flower_initial'}, '+=1')
const first = $('path');
const pathLength = first.getTotalLength(); = pathLength = pathLength
first.addEventListener('animationend', () => { = 'initial'; = 'initial';
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
vendors = official
background #222
margin 0
height 100vh
display flex
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width 90vmin
height 90vmin
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fill none
stroke #fff
stroke-width .5
stroke-linecap round
stroke-linejoin round
animation stroke-anim linear 2s forwards
@keyframes stroke-anim {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 0
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