Including iframe of an github (gists) embled script
So for include a github embled iframe into an iframe You may use hex code
see this exemple :
The github embled link : <script src=""></script>
and ths iframe who contain this embled : <iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"></iframe>
As you can see it work pretty good.
Explanation :
'%2f' --> '/'
'%3A' --> ':'
'%22' --> '"'
'%3E' --> '>'
'%3C' --> '<'
'%3D' --> '='
we only have to include the url whith hex code, and we may indicate to the iframe we are using text for to translate hex to ascii
so simply : charset=utf-8,
indicate the data type to interpret : data:text/html
To conclude into the src="" we have something like this :
[Git-Hub_Profile_Name] --> your profile mine is 'lostsh'
[Gists_Link_.js] --> the link of your gists don't forget the '.js' at the end you may found this on your url broyser or on the square on the embled provided by github
if you want to make a butiful iframe check options at : or :