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Repository Archiving & Unarchiving with GitHub GraphQL API

Repository Archiving & Unarchiving with GitHub GRAPHQL API sample code.

GitHub graphql explorer sample code - find a repository id

query FindRepoID {
    repository(owner:"[github user or org]", name:"[repository]"){


GitHub graphql explorer sample code - archive repository graphql mutation

mutation ArchiveRepository {
    archiveRepository(input:{clientMutationId:"true",repositoryId:"[repositoryID]"}) {
        repository {


GitHub graphql explorer sample code - unarchive repository graphql mutation

mutation UnArchiveRepository {
    unarchiveRepository(input:{clientMutationId:"true",repositoryId:"[insert ID]"}) {
        repository {


GraphQL API with curl

GitHub graphql API sample code - find a repository id

    "query": "query ($org: String!, $repo: String!) {repository(owner: $org, name: $repo) { id isArchived }  }",
    "variables": {
        "org": "[github user or org]",
        "repo": "[repository]"


call the graphql API with curl

curl -H "Authorization: bearer [github personal access token]" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @findRepoID.graphql

graphql API answer:


GitHub graphql API sample code - archive repository graphql mutation

    "query": "mutation ArchiveRepository ($mutationId: String!, $repoID: String!) {archiveRepository(input:{clientMutationId:$mutationId, repositoryId:$repoID}) {repository { isArchived, description } } }",
    "variables": {
        "mutationId": "true",
        "repoID": "[repo id]"


call the graphql API with curl

curl -H "Authorization: bearer [github personal access token]" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @archiveRepository.graphql

graphql API answer:

{"data":{"archiveRepository":{"repository":{"isArchived":true,"description":"test repository"}}}}

GitHub graphql API sample code - unarchive repository graphql mutation

    "query": "mutation UnArchiveRepository ($mutationId: String!, $repoID: String!) {unarchiveRepository(input:{clientMutationId:$mutationId, repositoryId:$repoID}) {repository { isArchived, description } } }",
    "variables": {
        "mutationId": "true",
        "repoID": "[repo id]"


call the graphql API with curl

curl -H "Authorization: bearer [github personal access token]" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @unarchiveRepository.graphql

graphql API answer:

{"data":{"unarchiveRepository":{"repository":{"isArchived":false,"description":"test repository"}}}}

GitHub CLI

GitHub CLI sample code - find a repository id

query FindRepoID($name: String!, $owner: String!) {
    repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) {


use this file with the GitHub CLI in your terminal:

gh api graphql -F owner='[github user or organization]' -F name='[repository]' -f query="$(cat ./findRepoID_gh_cli.graphql)" | jq ''
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