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Last active April 12, 2018 16:38
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Diffable workaround for structs with IGListKit
// Diffable.swift
// Created by danielgalasko on 8/5/17.
import Foundation
import IGListKit
A diffable value type that can be used in conjunction with
`DiffUtility` to perform a diff between two result sets.
public protocol Diffable: Equatable {
Returns a key that uniquely identifies the object.
- returns: A key that can be used to uniquely identify the object.
- note: Two objects may share the same identifier, but are not equal.
- warning: This value should never be mutated.
var diffIdentifier: String { get }
Performs a diff operation between two sets of `ItemDiffable` results.
public struct DiffUtility {
public struct DiffResult {
public typealias Move = (from: Int, to: Int)
public let inserts: [Int]
public let deletions: [Int]
public let updates: [Int]
public let moves: [Move]
public let oldIndexForID: (_ id: String) -> Int
public let newIndexForID: (_ id: String) -> Int
public static func diff<T: Diffable>(originalItems: [T], newItems: [T]) -> DiffResult {
let old ={ DiffableBox(value: $0, identifier: $0.diffIdentifier as NSObjectProtocol, equal: ==) })
let new ={ DiffableBox(value: $0, identifier: $0.diffIdentifier as NSObjectProtocol, equal: ==) })
let result = ListDiff(oldArray: (old as [ListDiffable]), newArray: (new as [ListDiffable]), option: .equality)
let inserts = Array(result.inserts)
let deletions = Array(result.deletes)
let updates = Array(result.updates)
let moves: [DiffResult.Move] ={ (from: $0.from, to: $ })
let oldIndexForID: (_ id: String) -> Int = { id in
return result.oldIndex(forIdentifier: NSString(string: id))
let newIndexForID: (_ id: String) -> Int = { id in
return result.newIndex(forIdentifier: NSString(string: id))
return DiffResult(inserts: inserts, deletions: deletions, updates: updates, moves: moves, oldIndexForID: oldIndexForID, newIndexForID: newIndexForID)
final class DiffableBox<T: Diffable>: ListDiffable {
let value: T
let identifier: NSObjectProtocol
let equal: (T, T) -> Bool
init(value: T, identifier: NSObjectProtocol, equal: @escaping(T, T) -> Bool) {
self.value = value
self.identifier = identifier
self.equal = equal
// IGListDiffable
func diffIdentifier() -> NSObjectProtocol {
return identifier
func isEqual(toDiffableObject object: ListDiffable?) -> Bool {
if let other = object as? DiffableBox<T> {
return equal(value, other.value)
return false
extension String: Diffable {
public var diffIdentifier: String { return self }
func diffable() -> ListDiffable {
return DiffableBox(value: self, identifier: self.diffIdentifier as NSObjectProtocol, equal: ==)
extension Int: Diffable {
public var diffIdentifier: String { return String(self) }
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element: Diffable {
func diffable() -> [ListDiffable] {
let toListDiffable: [ListDiffable] = map{ DiffableBox(value: $0, identifier: $0.diffIdentifier as NSObjectProtocol, equal: ==) }
return toListDiffable
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tunidev commented Oct 11, 2017

when DiffUtility will be even used ?

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