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Last active July 13, 2017 05:54
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Rails 5 Update

Upgrading Rails Projects

These instructions will step you through the process of upgrading a project from Rails 4 to Rails 5.

Before doing any of the following, ensure that you have Rails 5.1.2 installed (rails -v). If not, run gem install rails -version=5.1.2.

Let's call the existing Rails 4 project OP (Old Project), and the new Rails 5 project NP (New Project). The steps are as follows.


  • The update-rails branch will be the primary branch for this update.
  • Make a branch off of this branch.
    • To make things a bit easier to keep track of, please use the following naming convention. All sub-branch names should begin with the prefix of update-rails-. For instance, if I'm updating AJAX Twitter, I'd name my branch update-rails-ajax-twitter.
  • Once you finish up your work, please make a pull request where update-rails is the base and your branch is the compare.
  • Add Louis, Hope, and Luke as reviewers of the pull request. Once two out of the three of us has reviewed your request, it will be merged into update-rails.


  • Create a new Rails project with the same name as OP. Make sure it is created with Rails 5.
    • Don't forget to initialize with Postgres!
  • Gemfile:
    • All uses of shoulda-matchers require a special branch to be specified in the gemfile:
     gem 'shoulda-matchers', git: '', branch: 'rails-5'
    • If your project uses authentication, comment BCrypt back in to the gemfile.
    • If your project uses authentication or relies on jQuery, add gem 'jquery-rails'. Otherwise, don't add it.
    • If you need to setup RSpec, do that from the beginning. Also install Factory Girl if that's needed.
  • Generate an NP model for each OP model.
    • If you have RSpecs to deal with, and if all is properly set up, running rails g model and rails g controller should generate the relevant tests for you.
    • Your Gemfile's :development block will probably look like this:
       gem 'pry-rails'
       gem 'byebug'
       gem 'better_errors'
       gem 'binding_of_caller'
    • Your Gemfile's :development, :test block will probably look like this if you have to deal with specs:
       gem 'shoulda-matchers', git: '', branch: 'rails-5'
       gem 'rails-controller-testing'
       gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.5'
       gem 'factory-girl-rails'
  • If you need to copy over any other migrations, be aware that Rails 4 migrations inherit from ActiveRecord::Migration, while Rails 5 migrations inherit from ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1].
  • Copy the contents of the OP models to the NP models. Note: Rails 4 migrations inherit from ActiveRecord::Base, while Rails 5 migrations inherit from ApplicationRecord.
  • Generate an NP controller for each OP controller.
  • Copy the contents of the OP controllers to the NP controllers. Don't forget ApplicationController.
  • Copy over all the views for OP to NP. You can just copy individual files over - no need to change any code.
  • Copy over the contents, if any, of the seed file.
  • Copy over the content of the OP tests to the NP tests. Note, in Rails 5, controller tests require the rails-controller-testing gem, so make sure to add it to the gem file if there are any controller tests. gem 'rails-controller-testing'
  • Copy over the frontend folder if there is one.
  • Copy over the package.json and webpack.config.js if they exist.


  • Run the app, make sure it works
  • Test very thoroughly. Log in and out, create stuff, run specs: whatever the app does, make sure it still works.
  • Debugging tips:
    • Note that belongs_to now validates the existence of the parent in Rails 5.
    • Remember to add the rails-controller-testing gem if there are any controller tests.
    • Remember ActiveRecord::Migration becomes ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1].
    • Remember ActiveRecord::Base becomes ApplicationRecord.


  • There shouldn't be much to change here.
  • If you had to do anything differently and that thing is mentioned in the README, make sure to update that part.
  • If any code snippets look different in Rails 5 than they did in Rails 4, make sure to update them.
  • In Rails 5 we can use rails db:some_command rather than rake db:some_command. This is the new standard. rake shouldn't appear anywhere in the README once you are done.
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