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Last active December 14, 2015 07:39
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Save louisstow/5052318 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This function will generate an HTML string of a Table of Contents based on a parent node you provide and a start level of header tags.
* @author Louis Stowasser <[email protected]>
* License: MIT
function generateTOC (rootNode, startLevel) {
var lastLevel = 0;
startLevel = startLevel || 2; //which H# tag to start indexing.
var html = "<ul>";
//loop every node in rootNode
for (var i = 0; i < rootNode.childNodes.length; ++i) {
var node = rootNode.childNodes[i];
//skip nodes that aren't <H#> tags
if (!node.tagName || !/H[0-9]/.test(node.tagName)) {
var level = +node.tagName.substr(1);
//only parse at the start level
if (level < startLevel) { continue; }
//if the <H#> tag has any children, take the text of the first child
//else grab the text of the <H#> tag
var name = node.innerText;
if (node.children.length) { name = node.childNodes[0].innerText; }
//skip this node if there is no name
if (!name) { continue; }
//create a string that can be used for an anchor hash based
//on the name but without dots or spaces
var hashable = name.replace(/[\.\s]/g, "-");
//set the id of the <H#> tag to this hash = hashable;
//generate the HTML
if (level > lastLevel) {
html += "";
} else if (level < lastLevel) {
html += (new Array(lastLevel - level + 2)).join("</ul></li>");
} else {
html += "</ul></li>";
html += "<li><a class='lvl"+level+"' href='#" + hashable + "'>" + name + "</a><ul>";
lastLevel = level;
html += "</ul>";
return html;
//example usage:
document.getElementById("nav").innerHTML = generateTOC(document.getElementById("content"));
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