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Created November 14, 2010 05:41
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Javascript RTree
results = [], //results of multiple quads
OBJECT = "object",
NULL = null,
mc = Math.ceil;
function RTree() {
this.root = new Box(0, 0, 1600, 800, null, 0);
RTree.prototype = {
find: function(x,y,w,h) {
//can pass rect
if(typeof x === OBJECT) {
y = x.y;
w = x.w;
h = x.h;
x = x.x;
results = [];
var root = this.root.find(x,y,w,h); //if stored in the root node
return root || results;
put: function(x,y,w,h,obj) {
var found;
//if putting an object only
if(typeof x === OBJECT) {
obj = x;
h = x.h;
w = x.w;
y = x.y;
x = x.x;
//search for bounding box
found = this.root.get(x,y,w,h);
if(found) {
//create bounding box pointing to passed obj
var box = new Box(x,y,w,h,found,found.lvl+1);
box.obj = obj;
//add object to bounding box
//if the amount of children overflows, divide found box
if(found.children.length >= MAX_OBJECTS && found.lvl < MAX_SUB_DIVISIONS) {
function Box(x,y,w,h,parent,lvl) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.parent = parent;
this.lvl = lvl;
this.children = [];
this.obj = null;
Box.prototype = {
* Divide the bounding box children in half
* and create two new boxes containing the split
* items. The x,y will be the most top left child
* and the w,h will be the distance to the most
* right bottom child.
divide: function() {
var i = 0, l = this.children.length,
half = mc(l / 2),
child, b,
box1 = new Box(0,0,0,0,this,this.lvl+1), //create empty boxes for groups
box2 = new Box(0,0,0,0,this,this.lvl+1),
b1, b2,
children = [[],[]],
bounds = [{},{}];
if(!l) return; //stop if nothing to divide
//loop over this bounding box children
for(;i<l;i++) {
child = this.children[i];
b = +(i >= half); //group index (convert bool to 0/1)
children[b].push(child); //add to children array
child.parent = b ? box2 : box1;
//find minimum x
if(child.x < bounds[b].x || !('x' in bounds[b]))
bounds[b].x = child.x;
//find minimum y
if(child.y < bounds[b].y || !('y' in bounds[b]))
bounds[b].y = child.y;
//find maximum w
if(child.x + child.w > bounds[b].x + bounds[b].w || !('w' in bounds[b]))
bounds[b].w = child.w + child.x ;
//find maximum h
if(child.y + child.h > bounds[b].y + bounds[b].h || !('h' in bounds[b]))
bounds[b].h = child.h + child.y ;
bounds[0].w -= bounds[0].x;
bounds[1].w -= bounds[1].x;
bounds[0].h -= bounds[0].y;
bounds[1].h -= bounds[1].y;
//cache the bound values
b1 = bounds[0]; b2 = bounds[1];
box1.x = b1.x; box1.y = b1.y; box1.w = b1.w; box1.h = b1.h;
box2.x = b2.x; box2.y = b2.y; box2.w = b2.w; box2.h = b2.h;
box1.children = children[0];
box2.children = children[1];
//set children to the two bounding boxes
this.children = [box1, box2];
* Update boxes until the top to ensure
* correct bounding
update: function(x,y,w,h) {
if(this.x > x) this.x = x;
if(this.y > y) this.y = y;
if(this.x + this.w < x+w) this.w = x+w-this.x;
if(this.y + this.h < y+h) this.h = y+h-this.y;
if(this.parent !== null) {
* Find the appropriate bounding box for
* insertation
get: function(x,y,w,h) {
var i = 0, l = this.children.length, r;
//if passed rect is within this quad
if(this.x < x + w && this.x + this.w > x &&
this.y < y + h && this.h + this.y > y) {
//if external node, select the parent
if(!l) {
return this.parent || this;
//loop over children boxes
for(;i<l;i++) {
r = this.children[i].get(x,y,w,h);
if(r) return r;
return this;
} else return false;
* Find all objects intersected by a rect
find: function(x,y,w,h) {
var i = 0, l = this.children.length, r;
//if passed rect is within this quad
if(this.x < x + w && this.x + this.w > x &&
this.y < y + h && this.h + this.y > y) {
//if external node, select this
if(!l) return this.obj;
//loop over children boxes
for(;i<l;i++) {
r = this.children[i].find(x,y,w,h);
if(r) results = results.concat(r);
} else return false;
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