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Last active July 13, 2017 04:17
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Example of a redux-saga saga function that uses an external emitter through an eventChannel, tested with redux-saga-test-plan
import { eventChannel } from 'redux-saga'
import { call, cps, take, fork, put, cancel, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'
function emitterChannel(emitter, eventType) {
return eventChannel(emit => {
emitter.on(eventType, emit)
return () =>, emit)
function* streamSaga(session) {
let channel
try {
channel = yield call(emitterChannel, session, 'streamCreated')
while (true) {
// Blocks until a stream is created
const { stream } = yield take(channel)
yield put(setOTStreamCreated(
// If this happens more than once, we assume we're in the case that the
// hero left the chat & resumed, creating a new audio stream. That means
// that the old stream was destroyed, and therefore our old subscription,
// because OpenTok takes care of that internally
let subscription
while (!subscription) {
try {
// Subscribe to the stream
subscription = yield cps(
[session, session.subscribe],
// DOM element that opentok will insert the UI in, which we don't want
{ insertDefaultUI: false },
} catch (err) {
yield put(setChatReconnecting(err.message))
yield put(setOTStreamSubscribed(true))
yield fork(subscriptionSaga, session, subscription)
} finally {
yield call(channel.close)
import testSaga from 'redux-saga-test-plan'
describe('streamSaga', () => {
const session = {
subscribe() {},
const subscription = {}
const channel = () => {}
channel.close = () => {}
function mainPath() {
const id = 'purpledurple'
const event = { stream: { id } }
return testSaga(streamSaga, session)
.call(emitterChannel, session, 'streamCreated')
[session, session.subscribe],,
{ insertDefaultUI: false },
.fork(subscriptionSaga, session, subscription)
// cancellation invoked from above!
it('Coach or Hero is present first. No one exits in the middle. coach leaves ' +
'the chat, initiates cancelling the chat', () => {
it('Coach or hero is present first. Hero exits in the middle and comes back,' +
'subscribing to the stream fails, reconnection succeeds. Then we leave', () => {
const id = 'purpledurple'
const event = { stream: { id } }
// Another stream was created, the iterator yields another stream
// We subscribe and do the same things with this one too
[session, session.subscribe],,
{ insertDefaultUI: false },
// Including reconnect when subscribing to the stream fails!
.throw(new Error('fire and brimstone'))
.put(setChatReconnecting('fire and brimstone'))
[session, session.subscribe],,
{ insertDefaultUI: false },
// We successfully connect
.fork(subscriptionSaga, session, subscription)
// and then cancellation invoked from above!
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lourd commented Mar 27, 2017

It's missing imports for the dependent sagas and action creators (subscriptionSaga, setOTStreamCreated, setChatReconnecting, setOTStreamSubscribed), but it should be clear enough without them.

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