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Created July 8, 2013 10:47
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Save louy/5947841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
is_email function from WordPress written in Javascript
* is_email function from WordPress
* written in Javascript
* by Louy Alakkad <[email protected]>
* Verifies that an email is valid.
* Does not grok i18n domains. Not RFC compliant.
* @param string $email Email address to verify.
* @return string|bool Either false or the valid email address.
function is_email( $email ) {
// Test for the minimum length the email can be
if ( $email.length < 3 ) {
return false;
// Test for a single @ character after the first position
if ( $email.indexOf('@') === -1 || $email.indexOf('@') !== $email.lastIndexOf('@') ) {
return false;
// Split out the local and domain parts
var parts = $email.split('@',2);
var $local = parts[0], $domain = parts[1];
// Test for invalid characters
if ( !/^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~\.-]+$/.test($local) ) {
return false;
// Test for sequences of periods
if ( /\.{2,}/.test($domain) ) {
return false;
// Test for leading and trailing periods and whitespace
if ( str_trim( $domain, " \t\n\r\0\x0B." ) !== $domain ) {
return false;
// Split the domain into subs
var $subs = $domain.split( '.' );
// Assume the domain will have at least two subs
if ( 2 > $subs.length ) {
return false;
// Loop through each sub
for ( i in $subs ) {
var $sub = $subs[i];
// Test for leading and trailing hyphens and whitespace
if ( str_trim( $sub, " \t\n\r\0\x0B-" ) !== $sub ) {
return false;
// Test for invalid characters
if ( !/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i.test( $sub ) ) {
return false;
// Congratulations your email made it!
return $email;
function str_trim(str, regex) {
var chr = regex.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|\:\!\,\=]/g, "\\$&");
return str.replace( new RegExp('/^['+chr+']*/'), '' ).replace( new RegExp('/['+chr+']*$/'), '' );
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d13r commented May 22, 2014

Thank you for saving me the hassle of translating that!

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d13r commented May 22, 2014

The str_trim() function doesn't seem to work correctly - it doesn't remove leading/trailing hyphens, so it allows [email protected] through as a valid email, which is then rejected by WordPress.

I replaced it with this function which seems to work:

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Hi. @davejamesmiller thank you a lot!

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@davejamesmiller That function still appears to let [email protected] through.

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