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Last active October 17, 2019 18:02
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My first non-trivial proof in Lean Prover! ㊗️🎉
import tactic.norm_num
import data.real.basic
import analysis.normed_space.basic
open normed_field
def lim_inf (f : ℝ → ℝ) (L : ℝ) :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ N > (0 : ℝ),
∀ x, x > N → ∥f x - L∥ < ε
theorem lim_inf_cons_mul_eq (a : ℝ → ℝ) (L : ℝ) (H : lim_inf a L) :
∀ (C : ℝ), lim_inf (λ x, C * a x) (C * L) :=
assume C : ℝ,
rw lim_inf at *, /- unfold definitions -/
assume (ε : ℝ) (Hε : ε > 0),
by_cases HC : C = 0, {
fapply exists.intro, exact 1,
fapply exists.intro, norm_num,
assume (x : ℝ) (Hx : x > 1),
rw HC, /- ∥0 * a x - 0 * L∥ < ε -/
norm_num, /- 0 < ε -/
exact Hε
}, {
have HinvC : C⁻¹ ≠ 0, by exact inv_ne_zero HC,
have HnC : ∥C⁻¹∥ > 0, by exact abs_pos_iff.mpr HinvC,
have HnCε : ∥C⁻¹∥ * ε > 0, by exact mul_pos' HnC Hε,
let HE := H (∥C⁻¹∥ * ε) HnCε,
apply exists.elim HE,
intros N H1,
apply exists.elim H1,
intros HN H2,
apply exists.intro N,
apply exists.intro HN,
assume (x : ℝ) (Hx : x > N),
let H3 := H2 x Hx,
have E1: C * (a x - L) = C * a x - C * L, by exact mul_sub C (a x) L,
rw ←E1,
norm_num, simp at H3 ⊢,
rw ←(mul_lt_mul_left HnC),
rw ←mul_assoc,
rw ←norm_mul,
rw (inv_mul_cancel HC),
exact H3
theorem lim_inf_cons_mul_eq (a : ℝ → ℝ) (L : ℝ) (H : lim_inf a L) :
∀ (C : ℝ), lim_inf (λ x, C * a x) (C * L) :=
assume C : ℝ,
unfold lim_inf at H ⊢, /- unfold definitions -/
assume (ε : ℝ) (Hε : ε > 0),
by_cases HC : C = 0,
{ use [1, by norm_num],
assume (x : ℝ) (Hx : x > 1),
rw HC, /- ∥0 * a x - 0 * L∥ < ε -/
simpa using Hε },
{ have HinvC : C⁻¹ ≠ 0, from inv_ne_zero HC,
have HnC : ∥C⁻¹∥ > 0, from abs_pos_of_ne_zero HinvC,
have HnCε : ∥C⁻¹∥ * ε > 0, from mul_pos' HnC Hε,
specialize H (∥C⁻¹∥ * ε) HnCε,
rcases H with ⟨N, HN, H⟩,
use [N, HN],
assume (x : ℝ) (Hx : x > N),
specialize H x Hx,
rw [← mul_sub, ← mul_lt_mul_left HnC, ← norm_mul, ← mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel HC, one_mul],
exact H }
/- Revised by Patrick Massot -/
theorem lim_inf_cons_mul_eq_patrick_calc (a : ℝ → ℝ) (L : ℝ) (H : lim_inf a L) :
∀ C, lim_inf (λ x, C * a x) (C * L) :=
intros C ε Hε,
by_cases HC : C = 0,
{ use [1, by norm_num],
simpa [HC] using Hε },
{ have HnC : ∥C⁻¹∥ > 0, from abs_pos_of_ne_zero (inv_ne_zero HC),
have HnCε : ∥C⁻¹∥ * ε > 0, from mul_pos' HnC Hε,
rcases H (∥C⁻¹∥ * ε) HnCε with ⟨N, HN, H⟩,
use [N, HN],
intros x Hx,
calc ∥ C * a x - C * L ∥
= ∥ C * (a x - L) ∥ : by rw mul_sub
... = ∥ C ∥ * ∥a x - L ∥ : norm_mul _ _
... < ∥ C ∥ * (∥C⁻¹∥ * ε) : mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left (H x Hx) (abs_pos_of_ne_zero HC)
... = ε : by rw [← mul_assoc, ← norm_mul, mul_inv_cancel HC, norm_one, one_mul] }
theorem lim_inf_cons_mul_eq (a : ℝ → ℝ) (L : ℝ) (H : lim_inf a L) :
∀ C, lim_inf (λ x, C * a x) (C * L) :=
intros C ε Hε,
by_cases HC : C = 0,
{ use [1, by norm_num],
simpa [HC] using Hε },
{ have HnC : ∥C⁻¹∥ > 0, from abs_pos_of_ne_zero (inv_ne_zero HC),
have HnCε : ∥C⁻¹∥ * ε > 0, from mul_pos' HnC Hε,
rcases H (∥C⁻¹∥ * ε) HnCε with ⟨N, HN, H⟩,
use [N, HN],
intros x Hx,
rw [← mul_sub, ← mul_lt_mul_left HnC, ← norm_mul, ← mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel HC, one_mul],
exact H x Hx }
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louy2 commented Oct 17, 2019

My deepest appreciations go to Johan Commelin, Scott Morrison, and Floris van Doorn for helping me out on the Lean Prover Zulip.

I also thank Paul's Online Notes for the definition of lim_inf.

Practical tips I learned along the way:

  • Be on Lean Prover Zulip!
  • Once there, use the big search bar at the top to look for related questions
  • Ask! They are super friendly!
  • No parentheses needed for function application
  • begin to start the proof, end to finish the proof (this is the more helpful "tactic mode")
  • Don't forget the , after each step!
  • rw name_of_definition at h ⊢, to expand the definition
  • Use intros to automatically do universal instantiation. assume is the manual and clearer version.
  • Use have when going forward (deducing) from the hypotheses; use rw when going back from the goal
  • When using have, try by library_search when lost!
  • When using rw, try Cmd-P or Ctrl-P to search for useful equalities!
    • Keywords: eq add mul lt norm neg ...
  • let attaches temporary names to long stuff just like in Haskell or JavaScript
  • When doing algebra, try norm_num and simp!
  • If they fail, use rw with algebra theorems to do transformation

Regarding VS Code:

  • Use the jroesch.lean plugin!
  • On mac, I cannot copy from the "Lean Messages" view. Use Cmd-Shift-P > "Copy Contents to Comment" command!


  • Learn about how to improve this
  • Learn about calc mode

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louy2 commented Oct 17, 2019

Deep thank you to Kenny Lau and Patrick Massot for their critique on the code!

Two things I forgot:

  • *.intro is used to start a proof of * e.g. and.intro
  • *.elim is used to get the inner content of (peel off) * e.g. exists.elim

More learned:

  • unfold is specifically for unfolding definitions
  • simpa [rules] using h is rw [rules] then simp then exact h; without h it tries every assumption
  • use is a better exists.intro; use it to supply the positive cases all at once
  • specialize is a special tool for peeling off s
  • rcases is a better exists.elim; use it to get the Prop we know already exist
  • rcases H with ⟨W, H⟩ then use [W] is a great combo to use one to prove another

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louy2 commented Oct 17, 2019

Forgot to state the theorem I was proving! Not everyone can read Lean yet. Written in maths the theorem is:

$$\lim_{n\to\infty} C \cdot a_n = C \cdot \lim_{n\to\infty} a_n \text{ for } C \in \mathbb{R}$$

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