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Created July 17, 2017 22:35
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# Add integer keys in rocksdb and get highest and lowest keys using a custom comparator
# Add integer keys in rocksdb and get highest and lowest keys using a custom comparator
import random
import string
from time import perf_counter
import rocksdb
from rocksdb.interfaces import Comparator
class IntegerComparator(Comparator):
def compare(self, a, b):
a = int(a)
b = int(b)
if (a < b):
# print(a, b)
return -1
if (a > b):
# print(a, b)
return 1
if (a == b):
# print(a, b)
return 0
def name(self):
return b'IntegerComparator'
num_records = 10000
val_size = 100
data = {i: ''.join(random.choice(string.printable) for _ in range(val_size)).encode() for i in range(1, num_records+1)}
db = rocksdb.DB("test.db", rocksdb.Options(create_if_missing=True, comparator=IntegerComparator()))
for k, v in data.items():
db.put(str(k).encode(), v)
start = perf_counter()
it = db.iterkeys()
end = perf_counter()
print('Creating iterator in {} records takes {}'.format(num_records, end-start))
start = perf_counter()
assert it.get() == str(num_records).encode()
end = perf_counter()
print('Seek to last in {} records takes {}'.format(num_records, end-start))
start = perf_counter()
assert it.get() == b'1'
end = perf_counter()
print('Seek to first in {} records takes {}'.format(num_records, end-start))
more_records = 3*num_records
for i in range(num_records+1, num_records+more_records+1):
data[i] = ''.join(random.choice(string.printable) for _ in range(val_size)).encode()
db.put(str(i).encode(), data[i])
start = perf_counter()
it = db.iterkeys()
end = perf_counter()
print('Creating iterator in {} records takes {}'.format(num_records+more_records, end-start))
start = perf_counter()
assert it.get() == str(num_records+more_records).encode()
end = perf_counter()
print('Seek to last in {} records takes {}'.format(num_records+more_records, end-start))
start = perf_counter()
assert it.get() == b'1'
end = perf_counter()
print('Seek to first in {} records takes {}'.format(num_records+more_records, end-start))
num_records += more_records
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