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bs-jsxstyle bindings
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
module Box = { | |
[@bs.module "jsxstyle"] external box : ReasonReact.reactClass = "Box"; | |
let make = | |
( | |
~azimuth: option(string)=?, | |
~background: option(string)=?, | |
~backgroundAttachment: option(string)=?, | |
~backgroundColor: option(string)=?, | |
~backgroundImage: option(string)=?, | |
~backgroundPosition: option(string)=?, | |
~backgroundRepeat: option(string)=?, | |
~border: option(string)=?, | |
~borderCollapse: option(string)=?, | |
~borderColor: option(string)=?, | |
~borderSpacing: option(string)=?, | |
~borderStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~borderTop: option(string)=?, | |
~borderRight: option(string)=?, | |
~borderBottom: option(string)=?, | |
~borderLeft: option(string)=?, | |
~borderTopColor: option(string)=?, | |
~borderRightColor: option(string)=?, | |
~borderBottomColor: option(string)=?, | |
~borderLeftColor: option(string)=?, | |
~borderTopStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~borderRightStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~borderBottomStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~borderLeftStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~borderTopWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~borderRightWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~borderBottomWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~borderLeftWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~borderWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~bottom: option(string)=?, | |
~captionSide: option(string)=?, | |
~clear: option(string)=?, | |
~color: option(string)=?, | |
~content: option(string)=?, | |
~counterIncrement: option(string)=?, | |
~counterReset: option(string)=?, | |
~cue: option(string)=?, | |
~cueAfter: option(string)=?, | |
~cueBefore: option(string)=?, | |
~direction: option(string)=?, | |
~display: option(string)=?, | |
~elevation: option(string)=?, | |
~emptyCells: option(string)=?, | |
~float: option(string)=?, | |
~font: option(string)=?, | |
~fontFamily: option(string)=?, | |
~fontSize: option(string)=?, | |
~fontSizeAdjust: option(string)=?, | |
~fontStretch: option(string)=?, | |
~fontStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~fontVariant: option(string)=?, | |
~fontWeight: option(string)=?, | |
~height: option(string)=?, | |
~left: option(string)=?, | |
~letterSpacing: option(string)=?, | |
~lineHeight: option(string)=?, | |
~listStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~listStyleImage: option(string)=?, | |
~listStylePosition: option(string)=?, | |
~listStyleType: option(string)=?, | |
~margin: option(string)=?, | |
~marginTop: option(string)=?, | |
~marginRight: option(string)=?, | |
~marginBottom: option(string)=?, | |
~marginLeft: option(string)=?, | |
~markerOffset: option(string)=?, | |
~marks: option(string)=?, | |
~maxHeight: option(string)=?, | |
~maxWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~minHeight: option(string)=?, | |
~minWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~orphans: option(string)=?, | |
~outline: option(string)=?, | |
~outlineColor: option(string)=?, | |
~outlineStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~outlineWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~overflow: option(string)=?, | |
~overflowX: option(string)=?, | |
~overflowY: option(string)=?, | |
~padding: option(string)=?, | |
~paddingTop: option(string)=?, | |
~paddingRight: option(string)=?, | |
~paddingBottom: option(string)=?, | |
~paddingLeft: option(string)=?, | |
~page: option(string)=?, | |
~pageBreakAfter: option(string)=?, | |
~pageBreakBefore: option(string)=?, | |
~pageBreakInside: option(string)=?, | |
~pause: option(string)=?, | |
~pauseAfter: option(string)=?, | |
~pauseBefore: option(string)=?, | |
~pitch: option(string)=?, | |
~pitchRange: option(string)=?, | |
~playDuring: option(string)=?, | |
~position: option(string)=?, | |
~quotes: option(string)=?, | |
~richness: option(string)=?, | |
~right: option(string)=?, | |
~size: option(string)=?, | |
~speak: option(string)=?, | |
~speakHeader: option(string)=?, | |
~speakNumeral: option(string)=?, | |
~speakPunctuation: option(string)=?, | |
~speechRate: option(string)=?, | |
~stress: option(string)=?, | |
~tableLayout: option(string)=?, | |
~textAlign: option(string)=?, | |
~textDecoration: option(string)=?, | |
~textIndent: option(string)=?, | |
~textShadow: option(string)=?, | |
~textTransform: option(string)=?, | |
~top: option(string)=?, | |
~unicodeBidi: option(string)=?, | |
~verticalAlign: option(string)=?, | |
~visibility: option(string)=?, | |
~voiceFamily: option(string)=?, | |
~volume: option(string)=?, | |
~whiteSpace: option(string)=?, | |
~widows: option(string)=?, | |
~width: option(string)=?, | |
~wordSpacing: option(string)=?, | |
~zIndex: option(string)=?, | |
/* Below properties based on */ | |
/* Color Level 3 - REC */ | |
~opacity: option(string)=?, | |
/* Backgrounds and Borders Level 3 - CR */ | |
/* backgroundRepeat - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
/* backgroundAttachment - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
~backgroundOrigin: option(string)=?, | |
~backgroundSize: option(string)=?, | |
~backgroundClip: option(string)=?, | |
~borderRadius: option(string)=?, | |
~borderTopLeftRadius: option(string)=?, | |
~borderTopRightRadius: option(string)=?, | |
~borderBottomLeftRadius: option(string)=?, | |
~borderBottomRightRadius: option(string)=?, | |
~borderImage: option(string)=?, | |
~borderImageSource: option(string)=?, | |
~borderImageSlice: option(string)=?, | |
~borderImageWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~borderImageOutset: option(string)=?, | |
~borderImageRepeat: option(string)=?, | |
~boxShadow: option(string)=?, | |
/* Multi-column Layout - CR */ | |
~columns: option(string)=?, | |
~columnCount: option(string)=?, | |
~columnFill: option(string)=?, | |
~columnGap: option(string)=?, | |
~columnRule: option(string)=?, | |
~columnRuleColor: option(string)=?, | |
~columnRuleStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~columnRuleWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~columnSpan: option(string)=?, | |
~columnWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~breakAfter: option(string)=?, | |
~breakBefore: option(string)=?, | |
~breakInside: option(string)=?, | |
/* Speech - CR */ | |
~rest: option(string)=?, | |
~restAfter: option(string)=?, | |
~restBefore: option(string)=?, | |
~speakAs: option(string)=?, | |
~voiceBalance: option(string)=?, | |
~voiceDuration: option(string)=?, | |
~voicePitch: option(string)=?, | |
~voiceRange: option(string)=?, | |
~voiceRate: option(string)=?, | |
~voiceStress: option(string)=?, | |
~voiceVolume: option(string)=?, | |
/* Image Values and Replaced Content Level 3 - CR */ | |
~objectFit: option(string)=?, | |
~objectPosition: option(string)=?, | |
~imageResolution: option(string)=?, | |
~imageOrientation: option(string)=?, | |
/* Flexible Box Layout - CR */ | |
~alignContent: option(string)=?, | |
~alignItems: option(string)=?, | |
~alignSelf: option(string)=?, | |
~flex: option(string)=?, | |
~flexBasis: option(string)=?, | |
~flexDirection: option(string)=?, | |
~flexFlow: option(string)=?, | |
~flexGrow: option(string)=?, | |
~flexShrink: option(string)=?, | |
~flexWrap: option(string)=?, | |
~justifyContent: option(string)=?, | |
~order: option(string)=?, | |
/* Text Decoration Level 3 - CR */ | |
/* textDecoration - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
~textDecorationColor: option(string)=?, | |
~textDecorationLine: option(string)=?, | |
~textDecorationSkip: option(string)=?, | |
~textDecorationStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~textEmphasis: option(string)=?, | |
~textEmphasisColor: option(string)=?, | |
~textEmphasisPosition: option(string)=?, | |
~textEmphasisStyle: option(string)=?, | |
/* textShadow - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
~textUnderlinePosition: option(string)=?, | |
/* Fonts Level 3 - CR */ | |
~fontFeatureSettings: option(string)=?, | |
~fontKerning: option(string)=?, | |
~fontLanguageOverride: option(string)=?, | |
/* fontSizeAdjust - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
/* fontStretch - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
~fontSynthesis: option(string)=?, | |
~forntVariantAlternates: option(string)=?, | |
~fontVariantCaps: option(string)=?, | |
~fontVariantEastAsian: option(string)=?, | |
~fontVariantLigatures: option(string)=?, | |
~fontVariantNumeric: option(string)=?, | |
~fontVariantPosition: option(string)=?, | |
/* Cascading and Inheritance Level 3 - CR */ | |
~all: option(string)=?, | |
/* Writing Modes Level 3 - CR */ | |
~textCombineUpright: option(string)=?, | |
~textOrientation: option(string)=?, | |
~writingMode: option(string)=?, | |
/* Shapes Level 1 - CR */ | |
~shapeImageThreshold: option(string)=?, | |
~shapeMargin: option(string)=?, | |
~shapeOutside: option(string)=?, | |
/* Masking Level 1 - CR */ | |
~clipPath: option(string)=?, | |
~clipRule: option(string)=?, | |
~mask: option(string)=?, | |
~maskBorder: option(string)=?, | |
~maskBorderMode: option(string)=?, | |
~maskBorderOutset: option(string)=?, | |
~maskBorderRepeat: option(string)=?, | |
~maskBorderSlice: option(string)=?, | |
~maskBorderSource: option(string)=?, | |
~maskBorderWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~maskClip: option(string)=?, | |
~maskComposite: option(string)=?, | |
~maskImage: option(string)=?, | |
~maskMode: option(string)=?, | |
~maskOrigin: option(string)=?, | |
~maskPosition: option(string)=?, | |
~maskRepeat: option(string)=?, | |
~maskSize: option(string)=?, | |
~maskType: option(string)=?, | |
/* Compositing and Blending Level 1 - CR */ | |
~backgroundBlendMode: option(string)=?, | |
~isolation: option(string)=?, | |
~mixBlendMode: option(string)=?, | |
/* Fragmentation Level 3 - CR */ | |
~boxDecorationBreak: option(string)=?, | |
/* breakAfter - already defined by Multi-column Layout */ | |
/* breakBefore - already defined by Multi-column Layout */ | |
/* breakInside - already defined by Multi-column Layout */ | |
/* Basic User Interface Level 3 - CR */ | |
~boxSizing: option(string)=?, | |
~caretColor: option(string)=?, | |
~navDown: option(string)=?, | |
~navLeft: option(string)=?, | |
~navRight: option(string)=?, | |
~navUp: option(string)=?, | |
~outlineOffset: option(string)=?, | |
~resize: option(string)=?, | |
~textOverflow: option(string)=?, | |
/* Grid Layout Level 1 - CR */ | |
~grid: option(string)=?, | |
~gridArea: option(string)=?, | |
~gridAutoColumns: option(string)=?, | |
~gridAutoFlow: option(string)=?, | |
~gridAutoRows: option(string)=?, | |
~gridColumn: option(string)=?, | |
~gridColumnEnd: option(string)=?, | |
~gridColumnGap: option(string)=?, | |
~gridColumnStart: option(string)=?, | |
~gridGap: option(string)=?, | |
~gridRow: option(string)=?, | |
~gridRowEnd: option(string)=?, | |
~gridRowGap: option(string)=?, | |
~gridRowStart: option(string)=?, | |
~gridTemplate: option(string)=?, | |
~gridTempalteAreas: option(string)=?, | |
~gridTemplateColumns: option(string)=?, | |
~gridTemplateRows: option(string)=?, | |
/* Will Change Level 1 - CR */ | |
~willChange: option(string)=?, | |
/* Text Level 3 - LC */ | |
~hangingPunctuation: option(string)=?, | |
~hyphens: option(string)=?, | |
/* letterSpacing - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
~lineBreak: option(string)=?, | |
~overflowWrap: option(string)=?, | |
~tabSize: option(string)=?, | |
/* textAlign - already defined by CSS2Properties */ | |
~textAlignLast: option(string)=?, | |
~textJustify: option(string)=?, | |
~wordBreak: option(string)=?, | |
~wordWrap: option(string)=?, | |
/* Animations - WD */ | |
~animation: option(string)=?, | |
~animationDelay: option(string)=?, | |
~animationDirection: option(string)=?, | |
~animationDuration: option(string)=?, | |
~animationFillMode: option(string)=?, | |
~animationIterationCount: option(string)=?, | |
~animationName: option(string)=?, | |
~animationPlayState: option(string)=?, | |
~animationTimingFunction: option(string)=?, | |
/* Transitions - WD */ | |
~transition: option(string)=?, | |
~transitionDelay: option(string)=?, | |
~transitionDuration: option(string)=?, | |
~transitionProperty: option(string)=?, | |
~transitionTimingFunction: option(string)=?, | |
/* Transforms Level 1 - WD */ | |
~backfaceVisibility: option(string)=?, | |
~perspective: option(string)=?, | |
~perspectiveOrigin: option(string)=?, | |
~transform: option(string)=?, | |
~transformOrigin: option(string)=?, | |
~transformStyle: option(string)=?, | |
/* Box Alignment Level 3 - WD */ | |
/* alignContent - already defined by Flexible Box Layout */ | |
/* alignItems - already defined by Flexible Box Layout */ | |
~justifyItems: option(string)=?, | |
~justifySelf: option(string)=?, | |
~placeContent: option(string)=?, | |
~placeItems: option(string)=?, | |
~placeSelf: option(string)=?, | |
/* Basic User Interface Level 4 - FPWD */ | |
~appearance: option(string)=?, | |
~caret: option(string)=?, | |
~caretAnimation: option(string)=?, | |
~caretShape: option(string)=?, | |
~userSelect: option(string)=?, | |
/* Overflow Level 3 - WD */ | |
~maxLines: option(string)=?, | |
/* Basix Box Model - WD */ | |
~marqueeDirection: option(string)=?, | |
~marqueeLoop: option(string)=?, | |
~marqueeSpeed: option(string)=?, | |
~marqueeStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~overflowStyle: option(string)=?, | |
~rotation: option(string)=?, | |
~rotationPoint: option(string)=?, | |
~alignmentBaseline: option(string)=?, | |
~baselineShift: option(string)=?, | |
~clip: option(string)=?, | |
~colorInterpolation: option(string)=?, | |
~colorInterpolationFilters: option(string)=?, | |
~colorProfile: option(string)=?, | |
~colorRendering: option(string)=?, | |
~cursor: option(string)=?, | |
~dominantBaseline: option(string)=?, | |
~fill: option(string)=?, | |
~fillOpacity: option(string)=?, | |
~fillRule: option(string)=?, | |
~filter: option(string)=?, | |
~floodColor: option(string)=?, | |
~floodOpacity: option(string)=?, | |
~glyphOrientationHorizontal: option(string)=?, | |
~glyphOrientationVertical: option(string)=?, | |
~imageRendering: option(string)=?, | |
~kerning: option(string)=?, | |
~lightingColor: option(string)=?, | |
~markerEnd: option(string)=?, | |
~markerMid: option(string)=?, | |
~markerStart: option(string)=?, | |
~pointerEvents: option(string)=?, | |
~shapeRendering: option(string)=?, | |
~stopColor: option(string)=?, | |
~stopOpacity: option(string)=?, | |
~stroke: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeDasharray: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeDashoffset: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeLinecap: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeLinejoin: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeMiterlimit: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeOpacity: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~textAnchor: option(string)=?, | |
~textRendering: option(string)=?, | |
/* Ruby Layout Level 1 - WD */ | |
~rubyAlign: option(string)=?, | |
~rubyMerge: option(string)=?, | |
~rubyPosition: option(string)=?, | |
/*element props*/ | |
~key: option(string)=?, | |
~ref: option((Js.nullable(Dom.element) => unit))=?, | |
/* react textarea/input */ | |
~defaultChecked: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~defaultValue: option(string)=?, | |
/* global html attributes */ | |
~accessKey: option(string)=?, | |
~className: option(string)=?, /* substitute for "class" */ | |
~contentEditable: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~contextMenu: option(string)=?, | |
~dir: option(string)=?, /* "ltr", "rtl" or "auto" */ | |
~draggable: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~hidden: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~id: option(string)=?, | |
~lang: option(string)=?, | |
~role: option(string)=?, /* ARIA role */ | |
~style: option(, | |
~spellCheck: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~tabIndex: option(int)=?, | |
~title: option(string)=?, | |
/* html5 microdata */ | |
~itemID: option(string)=?, | |
~itemProp: option(string)=?, | |
~itemRef: option(string)=?, | |
~itemScope: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~itemType: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
/* tag-specific html attributes */ | |
~accept: option(string)=?, | |
~acceptCharset: option(string)=?, | |
~action: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~allowFullScreen: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~alt: option(string)=?, | |
~async: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~autoComplete: option(string)=?, /* has a fixed, but large-ish, set of possible values */ | |
~autoFocus: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~autoPlay: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~challenge: option(string)=?, | |
~charSet: option(string)=?, | |
~checked: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~cite: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~crossorigin: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~cols: option(int)=?, | |
~colSpan: option(int)=?, | |
~content: option(string)=?, | |
~controls: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~coords: option(string)=?, /* set of values specifying the coordinates of a region */ | |
~data: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~dateTime: option(string)=?, /* "valid date string with optional time" */ | |
~default: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~defer: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~disabled: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~download: option(string)=?, /* should really be either a boolean, signifying presence, or a string */ | |
~encType: option(string)=?, /* "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data" or "text/plain" */ | |
~form: option(string)=?, | |
~formAction: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~formTarget: option(string)=?, /* "_blank", "_self", etc. */ | |
~formMethod: option(string)=?, /* "post", "get", "put" */ | |
~headers: option(string)=?, | |
~height: option(string)=?, /* in html5 this can only be a number, but in html4 it can ba a percentage as well */ | |
~high: option(int)=?, | |
~href: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~hrefLang: option(string)=?, | |
~htmlFor: option(string)=?, /* substitute for "for" */ | |
~httpEquiv: option(string)=?, /* has a fixed set of possible values */ | |
~icon: option(string)=?, /* uri? */ | |
~inputMode: option(string)=?, /* "verbatim", "latin", "numeric", etc. */ | |
~integrity: option(string)=?, | |
~keyType: option(string)=?, | |
~kind: option(string)=?, /* has a fixed set of possible values */ | |
~label: option(string)=?, | |
~list: option(string)=?, | |
~loop: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~low: option(int)=?, | |
~manifest: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~max: option(string)=?, /* should be int or Js.Date.t */ | |
~maxLength: option(int)=?, | |
~media: option(string)=?, /* a valid media query */ | |
~mediaGroup: option(string)=?, | |
~method: option(string)=?, /* "post" or "get" */ | |
~min: option(int)=?, | |
~minLength: option(int)=?, | |
~multiple: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~muted: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~name: option(string)=?, | |
~nonce: option(string)=?, | |
~noValidate: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~_open: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~optimum: option(int)=?, | |
~pattern: option(string)=?, /* valid Js RegExp */ | |
~placeholder: option(string)=?, | |
~poster: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~preload: option(string)=?, /* "none", "metadata" or "auto" (and "" as a synonym for "auto") */ | |
~radioGroup: option(string)=?, | |
~readOnly: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~rel: option(string)=?, /* a space- or comma-separated (depending on the element) list of a fixed set of "link types" */ | |
~required: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~reversed: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~rows: option(int)=?, | |
~rowSpan: option(int)=?, | |
~sandbox: option(string)=?, /* has a fixed set of possible values */ | |
~scope: option(string)=?, /* has a fixed set of possible values */ | |
~scoped: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~scrolling: option(string)=?, /* html4 only, "auto", "yes" or "no" */ | |
/* seamless - supported by React, but removed from the html5 spec */ | |
~selected: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~shape: option(string)=?, | |
~size: option(int)=?, | |
~sizes: option(string)=?, | |
~span: option(int)=?, | |
~src: option(string)=?, /* uri */ | |
~srcDoc: option(string)=?, | |
~srcLang: option(string)=?, | |
~srcSet: option(string)=?, | |
~start: option(int)=?, | |
~step: option(float)=?, | |
~summary: option(string)=?, /* deprecated */ | |
~target: option(string)=?, | |
~_type: option(string)=?, /* has a fixed but large-ish set of possible values */ | |
~useMap: option(string)=?, | |
~value: option(string)=?, | |
~width: option(string)=?, /* in html5 this can only be a number, but in html4 it can ba a percentage as well */ | |
~wrap: option(string)=?, /* "hard" or "soft" */ | |
/* Clipboard events */ | |
~onCopy: option((ReactEventRe.Clipboard.t => unit))=?, | |
~onCut: option((ReactEventRe.Clipboard.t => unit))=?, | |
~onPaste: option((ReactEventRe.Clipboard.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Composition events */ | |
~onCompositionEnd: option((ReactEventRe.Composition.t => unit))=?, | |
~onCompositionStart: option((ReactEventRe.Composition.t => unit))=?, | |
~onCompositionUpdate: option((ReactEventRe.Composition.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Keyboard events */ | |
~onKeyDown: option((ReactEventRe.Keyboard.t => unit))=?, | |
~onKeyPress: option((ReactEventRe.Keyboard.t => unit))=?, | |
~onKeyUp: option((ReactEventRe.Keyboard.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Focus events */ | |
~onFocus: option((ReactEventRe.Focus.t => unit))=?, | |
~onBlur: option((ReactEventRe.Focus.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Form events */ | |
~onChange: option((ReactEventRe.Form.t => unit))=?, | |
~onInput: option((ReactEventRe.Form.t => unit))=?, | |
~onSubmit: option((ReactEventRe.Form.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Mouse events */ | |
~onClick: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onContextMenu: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDoubleClick: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDrag: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDragEnd: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDragEnter: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDragExit: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDragLeave: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDragOver: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDragStart: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDrop: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onMouseDown: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onMouseEnter: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onMouseLeave: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onMouseMove: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onMouseOut: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onMouseOver: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
~onMouseUp: option((ReactEventRe.Mouse.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Selection events */ | |
~onSelect: option((ReactEventRe.Selection.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Touch events */ | |
~onTouchCancel: option((ReactEventRe.Touch.t => unit))=?, | |
~onTouchEnd: option((ReactEventRe.Touch.t => unit))=?, | |
~onTouchMove: option((ReactEventRe.Touch.t => unit))=?, | |
~onTouchStart: option((ReactEventRe.Touch.t => unit))=?, | |
/* UI events */ | |
~onScroll: option((ReactEventRe.UI.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Wheel events */ | |
~onWheel: option((ReactEventRe.Wheel.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Media events */ | |
~onAbort: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onCanPlay: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onCanPlayThrough: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onDurationChange: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onEmptied: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onEncrypetd: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onEnded: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onError: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onLoadedData: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onLoadedMetadata: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onLoadStart: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onPause: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onPlay: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onPlaying: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onProgress: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onRateChange: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onSeeked: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onSeeking: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onStalled: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onSuspend: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onTimeUpdate: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onVolumeChange: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
~onWaiting: option((ReactEventRe.Media.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Image events */ | |
~onLoad: option((ReactEventRe.Image.t => unit))=? /*onError: option(: option((ReactEventRe.Image.t => unit)? =>*/, /* duplicate */ | |
/* Animation events */ | |
~onAnimationStart: option((ReactEventRe.Animation.t => unit))=?, | |
~onAnimationEnd: option((ReactEventRe.Animation.t => unit))=?, | |
~onAnimationIteration: option((ReactEventRe.Animation.t => unit))=?, | |
/* Transition events */ | |
~onTransitionEnd: option((ReactEventRe.Transition.t => unit))=?, | |
/* svg */ | |
~accentHeight: option(string)=?, | |
~accumulate: option(string)=?, | |
~additive: option(string)=?, | |
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~alphabetic: option(string)=?, | |
~amplitude: option(string)=?, | |
~arabicForm: option(string)=?, | |
~ascent: option(string)=?, | |
~attributeName: option(string)=?, | |
~attributeType: option(string)=?, | |
~autoReverse: option(string)=?, | |
~azimuth: option(string)=?, | |
~baseFrequency: option(string)=?, | |
~baseProfile: option(string)=?, | |
~baselineShift: option(string)=?, | |
~bbox: option(string)=?, | |
~_begin: option(string)=?, | |
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~by: option(string)=?, | |
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~dur: option(string)=?, | |
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~elevation: option(string)=?, | |
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~_end: option(string)=?, | |
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~externalResourcesRequired: option(string)=?, | |
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~hanging: option(string)=?, | |
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~horizOriginX: option(string)=?, | |
~ideographic: option(string)=?, | |
~imageRendering: option(string)=?, | |
~_in: option(string)=?, | |
~in2: option(string)=?, | |
~intercept: option(string)=?, | |
~k: option(string)=?, | |
~k1: option(string)=?, | |
~k2: option(string)=?, | |
~k3: option(string)=?, | |
~k4: option(string)=?, | |
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~kerning: option(string)=?, | |
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~keyTimes: option(string)=?, | |
~lengthAdjust: option(string)=?, | |
~letterSpacing: option(string)=?, | |
~lightingColor: option(string)=?, | |
~limitingConeAngle: option(string)=?, | |
~local: option(string)=?, | |
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~markerStart: option(string)=?, | |
~markerUnits: option(string)=?, | |
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~maskUnits: option(string)=?, | |
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~mode: option(string)=?, | |
~numOctaves: option(string)=?, | |
~offset: option(string)=?, | |
~opacity: option(string)=?, | |
~operator: option(string)=?, | |
~order: option(string)=?, | |
~orient: option(string)=?, | |
~orientation: option(string)=?, | |
~origin: option(string)=?, | |
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~overflowX: option(string)=?, | |
~overflowY: option(string)=?, | |
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~panose1: option(string)=?, | |
~pathLength: option(string)=?, | |
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~patternUnits: option(string)=?, | |
~pointerEvents: option(string)=?, | |
~points: option(string)=?, | |
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~pointsAtZ: option(string)=?, | |
~preserveAlpha: option(string)=?, | |
~preserveAspectRatio: option(string)=?, | |
~primitiveUnits: option(string)=?, | |
~r: option(string)=?, | |
~radius: option(string)=?, | |
~refX: option(string)=?, | |
~refY: option(string)=?, | |
~renderingIntent: option(string)=?, | |
~repeatCount: option(string)=?, | |
~repeatDur: option(string)=?, | |
~requiredExtensions: option(string)=?, | |
~requiredFeatures: option(string)=?, | |
~restart: option(string)=?, | |
~result: option(string)=?, | |
~rotate: option(string)=?, | |
~rx: option(string)=?, | |
~ry: option(string)=?, | |
~scale: option(string)=?, | |
~seed: option(string)=?, | |
~shapeRendering: option(string)=?, | |
~slope: option(string)=?, | |
~spacing: option(string)=?, | |
~specularConstant: option(string)=?, | |
~specularExponent: option(string)=?, | |
~speed: option(string)=?, | |
~spreadMethod: option(string)=?, | |
~startOffset: option(string)=?, | |
~stdDeviation: option(string)=?, | |
~stemh: option(string)=?, | |
~stemv: option(string)=?, | |
~stitchTiles: option(string)=?, | |
~stopColor: option(string)=?, | |
~stopOpacity: option(string)=?, | |
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~strikethroughThickness: option(string)=?, | |
~string: option(string)=?, | |
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~strokeOpacity: option(string)=?, | |
~strokeWidth: option(string)=?, | |
~surfaceScale: option(string)=?, | |
~systemLanguage: option(string)=?, | |
~tableValues: option(string)=?, | |
~targetX: option(string)=?, | |
~targetY: option(string)=?, | |
~textAnchor: option(string)=?, | |
~textDecoration: option(string)=?, | |
~textLength: option(string)=?, | |
~textRendering: option(string)=?, | |
~_to: option(string)=?, | |
~transform: option(string)=?, | |
~u1: option(string)=?, | |
~u2: option(string)=?, | |
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~underlineThickness: option(string)=?, | |
~unicode: option(string)=?, | |
~unicodeBidi: option(string)=?, | |
~unicodeRange: option(string)=?, | |
~unitsPerEm: option(string)=?, | |
~vAlphabetic: option(string)=?, | |
~vHanging: option(string)=?, | |
~vIdeographic: option(string)=?, | |
~vMathematical: option(string)=?, | |
~values: option(string)=?, | |
~vectorEffect: option(string)=?, | |
~version: option(string)=?, | |
~vertAdvX: option(string)=?, | |
~vertAdvY: option(string)=?, | |
~vertOriginX: option(string)=?, | |
~vertOriginY: option(string)=?, | |
~viewBox: option(string)=?, | |
~viewTarget: option(string)=?, | |
~visibility: option(string)=?, | |
/*width: option(: option(string? =>*/ | |
~widths: option(string)=?, | |
~wordSpacing: option(string)=?, | |
~writingMode: option(string)=?, | |
~x: option(string)=?, | |
~x1: option(string)=?, | |
~x2: option(string)=?, | |
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~xHeight: option(string)=?, | |
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~xlinkHref: option(string)=?, | |
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~xlinkTitle: option(string)=?, | |
~xlinkType: option(string)=?, | |
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~xmlLang: option(string)=?, | |
~xmlSpace: option(string)=?, | |
~y: option(string)=?, | |
~y1: option(string)=?, | |
~y2: option(string)=?, | |
~yChannelSelector: option(string)=?, | |
~z: option(string)=?, | |
~zoomAndPan: option(string)=?, | |
/* RDFa */ | |
~about: option(string)=?, | |
~datatype: option(string)=?, | |
~inlist: option(string)=?, | |
~prefix: option(string)=?, | |
~property: option(string)=?, | |
~resource: option(string)=?, | |
~typeof: option(string)=?, | |
~vocab: option(string)=?, | |
/* react-specific */ | |
/*~dangerouslySetInnerHTML: option( {. "__html": option( string})=?,*/ | |
~suppressContentEditableWarning: option(Js.boolean)=?, | |
~component: option(string)=?, | |
children | |
) => | |
ReasonReact.wrapJsForReason( | |
~reactClass=box, | |
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"backgroundAttachment": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(backgroundAttachment), | |
"backgroundColor": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(backgroundColor), | |
"backgroundImage": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(backgroundImage), | |
"backgroundPosition": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(backgroundPosition), | |
"backgroundRepeat": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(backgroundRepeat), | |
"border": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(border), | |
"borderCollapse": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(borderCollapse), | |
"borderColor": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(borderColor), | |
"borderSpacing": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(borderSpacing), | |
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"cue": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(cue), | |
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"speakAs": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(speakAs), | |
"voiceBalance": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(voiceBalance), | |
"voiceDuration": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(voiceDuration), | |
"voicePitch": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(voicePitch), | |
"voiceRange": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(voiceRange), | |
"voiceRate": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(voiceRate), | |
"voiceStress": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(voiceStress), | |
"voiceVolume": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(voiceVolume), | |
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"summary": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(summary), /* deprecated */ | |
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"onMouseUp": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(onMouseUp), | |
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"onTouchStart": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(onTouchStart), | |
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"onWaiting": Js.Null_undefined.from_opt(onWaiting), | |
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