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Last active April 8, 2018 11:05
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33 pattern matching in a recursive style
pattern matching
- a pattern is an expression with variables
- a datum is another expression to be tested if it matches the provided pattern
- a dictionary is a data-structure used to record and test bindings between
variables in pattern and values in datum
a pattern matching procedure takes a pattern, a datum for testing and a dictionary as input
- if the datum matches the pattern, the procedure will output an extended dictionary with
the new bindings
- if the datum does not match the pattern, the procedure will return false
the following implementation uses Array.prototype.shift to prune one element from both datum and pattern
and check if they are identical
function match(pattern, datum, dict) {
// if the matching goes well, the base case will be that the pattern and datum are both pruned to be
// an empty array
if (pattern && pattern.length == 0 && datum && datum.length == 0) {
return dict
// if there are difference between pattern and datum about their types or truthness,
// then the match fails
} else if (!pattern) {
return false
} else if (!datum) {
return false
} else if (isAtom(pattern) && !isAtom(datum)) {
return false
} else if (!isAtom(pattern) && isAtom(datum)) {
return false
// if the pattern and datum are both atomic data that can be matched against,
} else if (isAtom(pattern) && isAtom(datum)) {
// if the pattern piece is a variable
if (isVariable(pattern)) {
// check if there is already an defined value for the variable in the dictionary
var value = dict[pattern]
// if not defined, use the datum piece as value and assign it to the dictionary
if (value === undefined) {
dict[pattern] = datum
return dict
} else {
// else check if the value in the dictionary matched the datum piece
if (value !== datum) {
return false
} else {
return dict
// if the pattern piece is a literal, check if it matches the datum piece
} else {
if (pattern !== datum) {
return false
} else {
return dict
// if the pattern and datum are both non-atomic structural data
} else {
// prune the first elements from both pattern and datum
var p = pattern.shift()
var d = datum.shift()
// try to match them, and use the possibly extended dictionary to match the tail of pattern and datum
var _dict = match(p, d, dict)
return match(pattern, datum, _dict)
function isAtom(e) {
return typeof e != 'object'
function isVariable(pattern) {
return pattern && pattern[0] === '?'
var datum = ['*', ['+', '4', '3'], ['*', '3', '4']]
var pattern = ['*', ['+', '?a', '?b'], ['*', '?b', '?a']]
var result = match(pattern, datum ,{})
// { '?a': '4', '?b': '3' }
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