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import os
import math
import time
import numpy
import pandas
import random
import matplotlib
import numpy.random as nrand
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
class AntColonyOptimization:
def __init__(self):
class Grid:
def __init__(self, height, width, path, rand_test=True):
This method initializes a grid object. A grid is basically just a 2D array of Datum objects
:param height: this is the height of the grid
:param width: this is the weight of the grid
self.path = path
# Store the dimensions of the grid
self.dim = numpy.array([height, width])
# Initialize an empty numpy matrix of type Datum
self.grid = numpy.empty((height, width), dtype=Datum)
if rand_test:
# This is used to fill the grid randomly
# This makes the plot redraw
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
self.max_d = 0.001
def rand_grid(self, sparse):
A method for randomly initializing the grid
:param sparse: the percentage of the grid to fill up
for y in range(self.dim[0]):
for x in range(self.dim[1]):
if random.random() <= sparse:
r = random.randint(0, 1)
if r == 0:
self.grid[y][x] = Datum(nrand.normal(5, 0.25, 10))
elif r == 1:
self.grid[y][x] = Datum(nrand.normal(-5, 0.25, 10))
def matrix_grid(self):
This method condenses the grid (2D array of Datum objects) to a matrix which can be visualized
:return: matrix of the grid
matrix = numpy.empty((self.dim[0], self.dim[1]))
for y in range(self.dim[0]):
for x in range(self.dim[1]):
if self.grid[y][x] is not None:
matrix[y][x] = self.get_grid()[y][x].condense()
return matrix
def plot_grid(self, name="", save_figure=True):
This plots the 2D representation of the grid
:param name: the name of the image to save
plt.matshow(self.matrix_grid(), cmap="RdBu", fignum=0)
# Option to save images
if save_figure:
plt.savefig(self.path + name + '.png')
# plt.draw()
def get_grid(self):
return self.grid
def get_probability(self, d, y, x, n, c):
This gets the probability of drop / pickup for any given Datum, d
:param d: the datum
:param x: the x location of the datum / ant carrying datum
:param y: the y location of the datum / ant carrying datum
:param n: the size of the neighbourhood function
:param c: constant for convergence control
:return: the probability of
# Starting x and y locations
y_s = y - n
x_s = x - n
total = 0.0
# For each neighbour
for i in range((n*2)+1):
xi = (x_s + i) % self.dim[0]
for j in range((n*2)+1):
# If we are looking at a neighbour
if j != x and i != y:
yj = (y_s + j) % self.dim[1]
# Get the neighbour, o
o = self.grid[xi][yj]
# Get the similarity of o to x
if o is not None:
s = d.similarity(o)
total += s
# Normalize the density by the max seen distance to date
md = total / (math.pow((n*2)+1, 2) - 1)
if md > self.max_d:
self.max_d = md
density = total / (self.max_d * (math.pow((n*2)+1, 2) - 1))
density = max(min(density, 1), 0)
t = math.exp(-c * density)
probability = (1-t)/(1+t)
return probability
class Ant:
def __init__(self, y, x, grid):
This initializes an ant object. This Ant class is just a dumb ant with no memory
:param y: the y location it is initialized to
:param x: the x location it is initialized to
:param grid: a reference to the grid
self.loc = numpy.array([y, x])
self.carrying = grid.get_grid()[y][x]
self.grid = grid
def move(self, n, c):
A recursive function for making ants move around the grid
:param step_size: the size of each step
step_size = random.randint(1, 25)
# Add some vector (-1,+1) * step_size to the ants location
self.loc += nrand.randint(-1 * step_size, 1 * step_size, 2)
# Mod the new location by the grid size to prevent overflow
self.loc = numpy.mod(self.loc, self.grid.dim)
# Get the object at that location on the grid
o = self.grid.get_grid()[self.loc[0]][self.loc[1]]
# If the cell is occupied, move again
if o is not None:
# If the ant is not carrying an object
if self.carrying is None:
# Check if the ant picks up the object
if self.p_pick_up(n, c) >= random.random():
# Pick up the object and rem from grid
self.carrying = o
self.grid.get_grid()[self.loc[0]][self.loc[1]] = None
# If not then move
self.move(n, c)
# If carrying an object then just move
self.move(n, c)
# If on an empty cell
if self.carrying is not None:
# Check if the ant drops the object
if self.p_drop(n, c) >= random.random():
# Drop the object at the empty location
self.grid.get_grid()[self.loc[0]][self.loc[1]] = self.carrying
self.carrying = None
def p_pick_up(self, n, c):
Returns the probability of picking up an object
:param n: the neighbourhood size
:return: probability of picking up
ant = self.grid.get_grid()[self.loc[0]][self.loc[1]]
return 1 - self.grid.get_probability(ant, self.loc[0], self.loc[1], n, c)
def p_drop(self, n, c):
Returns the probability of dropping an object
:return: probability of dropping
ant = self.carrying
return self.grid.get_probability(ant, self.loc[0], self.loc[1], n, c)
class Datum:
def __init__(self, data):
A Datum object is basically just a ND vector
:param data: the ND vector
""" = data
def similarity(self, datum):
Returns the sum-squared distance between this datum and some other datum
:param datum: the other datum
:return: sum squared distance
diff = numpy.abs( -
return numpy.sum(diff**2)
def condense(self):
A method for condensing ND into 1D for visualization ... many options exist for this
:return: the 1D representation of the vector
return numpy.mean(
def optimize(height, width, ants, sims, n, c, freq=500, path="image"):
Main method for running the algorithm
# Initialize the grid
grid = Grid(height, width, path)
# Create the ants
ant_agents = []
for i in range(ants):
ant = Ant(random.randint(0, height - 1), random.randint(0, width - 1), grid)
for i in range(sims):
for ant in ant_agents:
ant.move(n, c)
if i % freq == 0:
s = "img" + str(i).zfill(6)
if __name__ == '__main__':
optimize(500, 500, 250, 500000, 25, 10, freq=500, path="Video 8/")
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