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Last active February 23, 2022 14:44
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DataHighway rococo-local

I am using an Apple macOS with M1 processor when following the steps here I am using the versions specified here (i.e. polkadot v0.9.16, substrate-parachain-template polkadot-v0.9.16 and Polkadot-JS Apps v0.103.2-8 from

First I installed Substrate and Rust:

curl -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
wget -O - | sh -s -- -y
rustup update stable
rustup update nightly

Then I cloned Polkadot-Launch:

mkdir -p ~/parachains
cd ~/parachains
git clone
cd ~/parachains/polkadot-launch
mkdir -p ~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin

Then I built the Polkadot repository using v0.9.16 for the the relay chain node on the Rococo network, generated the relay chain specification, and convert it to a SCALE encoded raw chain spec for use when starting nodes. Then I copied across the Polkadot binary and the chain specifications to the Polkadot-Launch folder. Note that stable-aarch64-apple-darwin is required for an Apple M1 processor (otherwise you get illegal hardware instruction error) paritytech/subport#242 (comment)

git clone
cd polkadot
git checkout v0.9.16
. ~/.cargo/env
rustup update stable
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
rustup install stable-aarch64-apple-darwin
rustup default stable-aarch64-apple-darwin
rustup override set stable-aarch64-apple-darwin
cargo build --release
cp ./target/release/polkadot ~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin/polkadot
./target/release/polkadot build-spec --chain=rococo-local --disable-default-bootnode > rococo-local.json
./target/release/polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local.json --raw --disable-default-bootnode > rococo-local-raw.json
cp ./rococo-local.json ~/parachains/polkadot-launch
cp ./rococo-local-raw.json ~/parachains/polkadot-launch

[OPTION 1] Then I build the DataHighway-Parachain codebase

git clone
cd DataHighway-Parachain
cargo build --release
cp ./target/release/datahighway-collator ~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin

[OPTION 2] Instead of building the DataHighway-Parachain codebase, you can alternatively build a fork of Substrate-Parachain-Template instead using v0.9.16 for the Cumulus-based parachain collators on the Rococo network. I changed the parachain id values in the file from 1000 to 2000 (i.e. find/replace "1000.into()," with "2000.into(),", and find/replace "para_id: 1000," with "para_id: 2000,") I also changed "" | "local" to "" | "local" | "rococo-local" in, so it would run in Polkadot-Launch. After building it I copied across the Substrate-Parachain-Template binary to the Polkadot-Launch folder.

git clone
cd substrate-parachain-template
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream polkadot-v0.9.16:polkadot-v0.9.16
git checkout polkadot-v0.9.16
. ~/.cargo/env
rustup update stable
rustup toolchain install nightly-2021-11-07-x86_64-apple-darwin
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2021-11-07-x86_64-apple-darwin
rustup default nightly-2021-11-07-x86_64-apple-darwin
rustup override set nightly-2021-11-07-x86_64-apple-darwin
cargo build --release
cp ./target/release/parachain-collator ~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin

Then I installed Dependencies including Node.js. Then I modified the Polkadot-Launch config.json file to be as follows: Note: If you used [OPTION 2] above then change ./bin/datahighway-collator to ./bin/parachain-collator in both places in the config.json file below.

  "relaychain": {
      "bin": "./bin/polkadot",
      "chain": "rococo-local",
      "nodes": [
              "name": "alice",
              "port": 30336,
              "rpcPort": 9936,
              "wsPort": 9947
              "name": "bob",
              "port": 30337,
              "rpcPort": 9937,
              "wsPort": 9948
              "name": "charlie",
              "port": 30338,
              "rpcPort": 9938,
              "wsPort": 9949
              "name": "dave",
              "port": 30339,
              "rpcPort": 9939,
              "wsPort": 9950
      "genesis": {
          "runtime": {
              "runtime_genesis_config": {
                  "configuration": {
                      "config": {
                          "validation_upgrade_frequency": 10,
                          "validation_upgrade_delay": 10
  "parachains": [
          "bin": "./bin/datahighway-collator",
          "chain": "rococo-local",
          "id": "2000",
          "nodes": [
                  "port": 31200,
                  "rpcPort": 9911,
                  "wsPort": 9988,
                  "name": "eve",
                  "flags": ["--", "--execution=wasm"]
          "bin": "./bin/datahighway-collator",
          "chain": "rococo-local",
          "id": "3000",
          "nodes": [
                  "port": 31300,
                  "rpcPort": 9922,
                  "wsPort": 9999,
                  "name": "ferdie",
                  "flags": ["--", "--execution=wasm"]
  "hrmpChannels": [
          "sender": 2000,
          "recipient": 3000,
          "maxCapacity": 8,
          "maxMessageSize": 512
  "types": {},
  "finalization": false

Then I ran Polkadot-Launch

cd ~/parachains/polkadot-launch
git branch
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
nvm install v16.3.0
nvm use v16.3.0
npm install -g yarn
cat ./config.json
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 yarn start config.json

If you used [OPTION 1] above, to add a further DataHighway collator node manually. See Note: If you used [OPTION 2] then the commands should start with ./target/release/parachain-collator instead of ./target/release/datahighway-collator

  • Build the raw chain specification for the "rococo-local" chain from our file. Note that we need to generate it from the binary that we copied across into Polkadot-Launch since that is the binary that we are using to run the other collator nodes. The files we need will be added into the cd DataHighway-Parachain folder. Then use that raw chain specification to export the genesis state and genesis WASM file for use in running further DataHighway collator nodes. See
cd DataHighway-Parachain
~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin/datahighway-collator build-spec --chain "rococo-local" --disable-default-bootnode > rococo-local-parachain-2000-plain.json
~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin/datahighway-collator build-spec --chain rococo-local-parachain-2000-plain.json --raw --disable-default-bootnode > p;p
~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin/datahighway-collator export-genesis-wasm --chain rococo-local-parachain-2000-raw.json > para-2000-wasm
~/parachains/polkadot-launch/bin/datahighway-collator export-genesis-state --chain rococo-local-parachain-2000-raw.json > para-2000-genesis
  • Copy the "rococo" relay chain specification into the main directory. If you used [OPTION 1]
cd DataHighway-Parachain
cp ./res/rococo.json .

If you used [OPTION 2] then copy that file into the main directory of your clone of substrate-parachain-template

  • Then if you used [OPTION 1] try to run another DataHighway collator node manually on your local machine with the following: Note: If you used [OPTION 2] then the commands should start with ./target/release/parachain-collator instead of ./target/release/datahighway-collator
rm -rf /tmp/parachain/alice

./target/release/datahighway-collator \
	--collator \
	--alice \
	--chain rococo-local-parachain-2000-raw.json \
        --base-path /tmp/parachain/alice \
	--name DataHighway-Collator-Alice \
	--force-authoring \
	--port 31400 \
	--rpc-port 9933 \
        --ws-port 9977 \
	--unsafe-ws-external \
	--unsafe-rpc-external \
	--rpc-cors=all \
	--rpc-methods=Unsafe \
	-- \
        --execution wasm \
	--chain rococo-local-raw.json \
	--port 30342 \
	--rpc-port 9942 \
	--ws-port 9953

Note: Obtain <INSERT_EXISTING_COLLATOR_BOOTNODE_FROM_POLKADOT_LAUNCH_LOGS> from the Polkadot-Launch logs. An example of what it outputs is the following, but the Local Node Identities may be different:

Added Boot Nodes: /ip4/,/ip4/

Now check that it works in the UI

git clone
git checkout 0b6e52733181392e823f7c37e833f4f5fd6b16ef
nvm use v16.3.0
yarn start

Then go to http://localhost:3000/?rpc=ws%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A9988#/accounts and verify that you can transfer 1 UNIT from Alice to Bob

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