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modified Lockdrop.sol with the changes shown in this commit so that the Lock contract that it generates is deployed first, and then we deposit or withdraw from it only after providing approval from the ERC20 token by running its approve function (like what Test.sol did) instead of constructing the contract and performing a deposit before it was possible to grant it permission. so i deployed Lockdrop.sol to 0x5d030d3f45362f6ccc1f3c29c8cdeb617602d814 i deployed MXCToken (that imports StandardToken) on Rinkeby here: 0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc (the same code that MXC used to deploy it to mainnet) then loaded MXCToken using AtAddress 0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc Ran the "lock" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments: "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","3","100","0x46765939697a514462737a7a46556b437a65643435547039785062754b4e516e4d563150676b385959444b43573476","0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc",false Then I ran the "lockWalletStructs" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc" which generated an output containing the lockAddr of the Lock contract address that the Lockdrop contract factory deployed to 0x190E49F7BC58fca0058eCB895119110DccfE0c76 Then I needed to run the approve function of the ERC20 token that the Lock contract was generated to deposit/withdraw from So using the MXCToken I clicked approve using argument "0x190E49F7BC58fca0058eCB895119110DccfE0c76", 100, and it's mined successfully Then loaded the Lock contract, using AtAddress 0x190E49F7BC58fca0058eCB895119110DccfE0c76 Then clicked the depositTokens function button but it failed with error:

so updated Lockdrop's depositTokens function so it only had one line of code require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), lockContractTokenCapacity), "Unable to deposit ERC20 tokens from Lock owner to Lock contract"); then deployed it again to 0x751D132674A6F72cf9E1Fd011Cb95BB31fD63a4F Ran the "lock" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments: "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","3","100","0x46765939697a514462737a7a46556b437a65643435547039785062754b4e516e4d563150676b385959444b43573476","0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc",false Then I ran the "lockWalletStructs" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc" which generated an output containing the lockAddr of the Lock contract address that the Lockdrop contract factory deployed to 0xb180838D523c7FbCbb2E31962f55877DA6289A34 Then I needed to run the approve function of the ERC20 token that the Lock contract was generated to deposit/withdraw from So using the MXCToken I clicked approve using argument "0xb180838D523c7FbCbb2E31962f55877DA6289A34", 100, and it's mined successfully Then loaded the Lock contract, using AtAddress 0xb180838D523c7FbCbb2E31962f55877DA6289A34 Then clicked the depositTokens function button but it failed with error: i also tried granting approval to my EOA using argument "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161", 100, and it's mined successfully but that failed too with error:

so I tried using Weenus (instead of MXCToken) with Lockdrop instead: i deployed a duplicate of Weenus from my account 0x1f... to 0x2d2c5fdfcc44fb2c9cdaebc468d6cb23a809d5cd I used Lockdrop that I'd deployed to 0x751D132674A6F72cf9E1Fd011Cb95BB31fD63a4F Ran the "lock" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments: "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","3","100","0x46765939697a514462737a7a46556b437a65643435547039785062754b4e516e4d563150676b385959444b43573476","0x2d2c5fdfcc44fb2c9cdaebc468d6cb23a809d5cd",false Then I ran the "lockWalletStructs" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","0x2d2c5fdfcc44fb2c9cdaebc468d6cb23a809d5cd" which generated an output containing the lockAddr of the Lock contract address that the Lockdrop contract factory deployed to 0x91987C351704Bbc4dBCD3e558B3A1DDd0F3C87A4 then loaded WeenusToken using AtAddress 0x2d2c5fdfcc44fb2c9cdaebc468d6cb23a809d5cd and clicked approve using argument "0x91987C351704Bbc4dBCD3e558B3A1DDd0F3C87A4", 100 and clicked balanceOf using argument of my address "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161" and it showed i had 1000 WEENUS

then loaded the Lock address using AtAddress 0x91987C351704Bbc4dBCD3e558B3A1DDd0F3C87A4 clicked depositTokens but it failed with error: i also tried granting approval to my EOA using argument "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161", 100 clicked depositTokens but that failed too with same error i was only about to run transferFrom in the Remix UI using the Weenus contract and passing argument "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161", "0x91987C351704Bbc4dBCD3e558B3A1DDd0F3C87A4", 1

2664965800.000000000000000000 total supply 100 000000000000000000 100 MXC (i.e. 100000000000000000000)

removed the ERC20 prefix since wasn't assigning to the variable of the smart contract as highlighted by Bokky so i deployed Lockdrop.sol to 0x49b8e31962d2ebd5574c9c5761da08b99db39540 i deployed MXCToken (that imports StandardToken) on Rinkeby here: 0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc (the same code that MXC used to deploy it to mainnet) then loaded MXCToken using AtAddress 0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc Ran the "lock" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments: "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","3","100000000000000000000","0x46765939697a514462737a7a46556b437a65643435547039785062754b4e516e4d563150676b385959444b43573476","0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc",false Then I ran the "lockWalletStructs" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","0x6d8fc9e069f8fbab67a0a93d9cb19d3d16e21ccc" which generated an output containing the lockAddr of the Lock contract address that the Lockdrop contract factory deployed to 0xA55d5Ad16742d524Fce5a9B7bC14e9C25c6Ab5Ea Then I needed to run the approve function of the ERC20 token that the Lock contract was generated to deposit/withdraw from So using the MXCToken I clicked approve using argument "0xA55d5Ad16742d524Fce5a9B7bC14e9C25c6Ab5Ea", 100000000000000000000, and it's mined successfully (it is necessary to approve the amount you want a given spending account, in this case the Lock contract, to be able to spend with transferFrom, however it is not necessary to further approve the amount you also want to with with transfer) Wait for it to process Then run the MXCToken's allowance button to check how much you've allowed the Lock contract to spend with: "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161", "0xE040d235Cc61D7ccF6EBf1325f233C5458Fc51A6" It should return 100000000000000000000 Then loaded the Lock contract, using AtAddress 0xA55d5Ad16742d524Fce5a9B7bC14e9C25c6Ab5Ea Then clicked the depositTokens function button and IT WORKED!! BokkyPoohBah thank you! before withdrawing, keep clicking "lockContractBalance" button until it says the Lock contract has a balance of 100000000000000000000 then using MXCToken run allowance with arg "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","0xE040d235Cc61D7ccF6EBf1325f233C5458Fc51A6", and it should return 0 (meaning you can't deposit anymore unless you increase the allowance again) Then run withdrawTokens and it should return the 100 MXC tokens back to the original sender

use Ropsten (Rinkeby faucet's don't work) MXCToken deployed to 0xefa111f81b485f56697c1f56a225f48694ef9e83 Lockdrop deployed to 0xc34e6129a5121570dfe92e4f80f68de075beaf27 Ran the "lock" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments: "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","3","100000000000000000000","0x46765939697a514462737a7a46556b437a65643435547039785062754b4e516e4d563150676b385959444b43573476","0xefa111f81b485f56697c1f56a225f48694ef9e83",false Then I ran the "lockWalletStructs" function in Lockdrop.sol with arguments "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","0xefa111f81b485f56697c1f56a225f48694ef9e83" which generated an output containing the lockAddr of the Lock contract address that the Lockdrop contract factory deployed to 0xcbC003e48881A981bA8f5e565c1D67f7F0e60e1A run the approve function of the ERC20 token that the Lock contract was generated to deposit/withdraw from So using the MXCToken I clicked approve using argument "0xcbC003e48881A981bA8f5e565c1D67f7F0e60e1A", 100000000000000000000 (it is necessary to approve the amount you want a given spending account, in this case the Lock contract, to be able to spend with transferFrom, however it is not necessary to further approve the amount you also want to with with transfer) Wait for it to process Then run the MXCToken's allowance button to check how much you've allowed the Lock contract to spend with: "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161", "0xcbC003e48881A981bA8f5e565c1D67f7F0e60e1A" It should return 100000000000000000000 Then loaded the Lock contract, using AtAddress 0xcbC003e48881A981bA8f5e565c1D67f7F0e60e1A Then clicked the depositTokens function button before withdrawing, keep clicking "lockContractBalance" button until it says the Lock contract has a balance of 100000000000000000000 then using MXCToken run allowance with arg "0x1f7ace08af5c49a5d69fbb98fb9339a729b27161","0xcbC003e48881A981bA8f5e565c1D67f7F0e60e1A", and it should return 0 (meaning you can't deposit anymore unless you increase the allowance again) Then run withdrawTokens and it should return the 100 MXC tokens back to the original sender

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