- References:
- Fork https://github.com/AcalaNetwork/Acala
- Clone your fork using SSH. Fetch latest version in branch 'master'. Install submodules into /orml folder. Build and run docker container.
git clone [email protected]:ltfschoen/Acala.git
git remote add upstream https://github.com/AcalaNetwork/Acala
git pull --rebase upstream master
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker build --tag acala:latest .
docker images
docker run --detach --name acala-latest acala:latest
doker ps -a
docker exec -it acala-latest bash
docker exec -it $(docker ps -q) bash
cd /usr/local/bin
acala --name=5DRech3cqa15p3m7rgd1AoLbm8erSbdddUJLo18ESvuUbscN --execution=native -lruntime=debug
- Go to https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/settings
- Connect to Acala Mandala chain
- Create an account https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/accounts
- Request ACA and LAMI tokens from the faucets by joining Discord https://discord.gg/Z4JtEmM
- Go in #laminar-faucet and #acala-faucet and run
- Go to https://apps.acala.network/wallet
- Connect Polkadot Extension to load account
- Go to https://apps.acala.network/swap
- Choose aUSD for DOT (e.g. 200 aUSD for 1 DOT)
- Click "Swap"
About: "Stablecoins powered by the Acala Network can be transferred to all chains in the Polkadot network, which will boost its liquidity and adoption to a degree that a single-chain asset would not be able to achieve."
Choose "Deposit Liquidity"
Exchange ACA for aUSD (e.g. 0.1 ACA for 1 aUSD)
Click "Deposit"
- Go to https://apps.acala.network/loan for "Self Serviced Loan"
- Click "Create"
- Select collateral (e.g. DOT) to be used to generate aUSD
- Enter a proportion of that collateral to lock/deposit (e.g. 0.25 DOT)
- Enter amount of aUSD to borrow (beware of risk of liquidation)
- Create
- References
- Go to https://apps.acala.network/homa
- Mint/stake DOT for L-DOT
- Enter DOT to stake (e.g. 0.25 DOT)
- Click "Deposit"
- Go to https://apps.acala.network/wallet
- Click "Cross-chain"
- Click "aUSD"
- Enter a value e.g. 500 aUSD
- Click "Transfer"
- Go to https://flow.laminar.one/dashboard (with same account loaded from Polkadot.js Extension)
- Check that the aUSD balance shown has been updated
- Go to https://flow.laminar.one/swap
- Choose send AUSD (e.g. 500) to receive FXAU (e.g. 0.25)
- Enter an amount to send
- ??? Always gives error
- Go to https://apps.acala.network/swap
- Swap something like aUSD for XBTC
- Go to https://apps.acala.network/wallet
- Click "Cross-chain"
- Click "renBTC"
- ...
- References:
- Go to https://flow.laminar.one/
- Connect Polkadot Extension to load account
- Switch MetaMask to Kovan testnet
- Load an account with Kovan Ether balance that you obtain from a faucet https://faucet.kovan.network/
- Go to https://flow.laminar.one/swap to Swap tokens from Kovan network Compound's DAI, which you can get from https://app.compound.finance/ the DAI deposit section, or through the contract (if still available). The faucet here is only for substrate based Laminar Chain
- Go to https://app.compound.finance/
- Enable Kovan testnet ETH as collateral.
- Borrow DAI using that collateral.
- Go back to https://flow.laminar.one/swap and use it to swap for Flow Network
- Go to https://acala-testnet.subscan.io