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Because the SalesForce Analytics API limits up to 2000 records ( ) so we need to pull report in CSV
import requests, csv, re, sys
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
import MySQLdb
sfConfig = {
'username': 'zzz',
'password': 'zzz',
'security_token': 'zzzz',
'url': '',
'report_id': 'zzzz'
mysqlConfig = {
'host': 'localhost',
'user': 'zzz',
'passwd': 'zzz',
'db': 'zzz',
'table': 'zzz'
def fetchSFcsv():
sf = Salesforce(username=sfConfig['username'], password=sfConfig['password'], security_token=sfConfig['security_token'])
with requests.session() as s:
d = s.get(("https://%s/%s?export=1&enc=UTF-8&xf=csv" % (sfConfig['url'], sfConfig['report_id'])),
headers=sf.headers, cookies={'sid': sf.session_id})
return d.content
def nullify(L):
"""Convert empty strings in the given list to None."""
# helper function
def f(x):
if(x == ""):
return None
return x
return [f(x) for x in L]
def buildInsertCmd(table, numfields):
Create a query string with the given table name and the right number of format placeholders.
>>> buildInsertCmd("foo", 3)
'insert into foo values (%s, %s, %s)'
assert(numfields > 0)
placeholders = (numfields-1) * "%s, " + "%s"
query = ("INSERT INTO %s" % table) + (" VALUES (%s);" % placeholders)
return query
def buildCreateCmd(table, header):
query = ', '.join([("`%s` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL" % re.sub(r'\W+', '', f)) for f in header])
query = "CREATE TABLE `%s` (%s) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;" % (table, query)
return query
def execQuery(cursor, query, vals):
cursor.execute(query, vals);
except MySQLdb.Error as e:
print "MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
except IndexError:
print "MySQL Error: %s" % str(e)
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
def insertMySQL(cvs_content):
mydb = MySQLdb.connect(host=mysqlConfig['host'], user=mysqlConfig['user'], passwd=mysqlConfig['passwd'], db=mysqlConfig['db'])
cursor = mydb.cursor()
lines = cvs_content.splitlines()
csv_data = csv.reader(lines)
header =
numfields = len(header)
query = ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`;" % mysqlConfig['table'])
execQuery(cursor, query, None)
query = buildCreateCmd(mysqlConfig['table'], header)
execQuery(cursor, query, None)
query = buildInsertCmd(mysqlConfig['table'], numfields)
for row in csv_data:
vals = nullify(row)
execQuery(cursor, query, vals)
if __name__ == "__main__":
sfreport = fetchSFcsv()
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